Violet Spirit by Abbey MacMunn Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Violet Spirit 
The Evoxian Legacies #2 
by Abbey MacMunn 
Genre: Fantasy Romance 

A half human, half alien.
A violet-eyed shapeshifter.
Their destinies bound by magic from a disappearing world.

Ever since free-spirited Lexie Mills learned she was half human, half alien, her life has been far from ordinary. But living a privileged life in a Cotswold manor with her over-protective family isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and not helped by her confusing feelings for her best friend, Drew.

Evoxian shapeshifter, Drew Morgan, longs to tell Lexie he’s her destined soulmate, but until she embraces her alien heritage, he must wait. Trouble is, staying in the friend zone proves harder than he thought.

Tensions sizzle and chemistry sparks between them, but as their friendship blossoms into something magical, Lexie uncovers a heart-breaking truth about Drew and she must make a choice…

Forgive Drew and accept her destiny, or decide her own fate? 

Drew placed the breakfast tray on the end of Lexie’s bed. She wasn’t going to make his apology easy for him, but he didn’t expect anything less. “Tell me how I can make it up to you. Anything.”
Lexie eyed the cereal and her stomach growled. “You’re a moron, you know that?” The hint of amusement in her eyes offered the promise of forgiveness.
You’re a weirdo human-Evoxian hybrid, but someone has to put up with you.”
Deal with it. I have to.” Her mouth curled at the corners. “I can’t change what I am, but you can stop being an idiot any time you want.”
Maybe I don’t want to.”
See? Moron.” She chucked a pillow at his head.
The bedspread dropped, revealing the delightful curve of her slight shoulders, and creamy skin he did his best not to stare at.
He ducked, and it landed by his feet. Throwing pillows and name-calling were good signs; she was coming around to his apology. “And you’re an infuriating woman with a bee in her bonnet over this stupid job thing.”
What the heck does that mean?”
It means once you have an idea, no matter how ridiculous it is, you won’t let it go until you get your own way.”
You make me sound like a spoilt brat.”
I bet you were planning to sneak out of the manor to go to the interview, weren’t you?”
Her mouth dropped. “No.” Flushed cheeks gave away her lie. “Okay, maybe I was, so…” She paused, an idea gleaming in her eyes. “If you want to make up for morphing into a tiger with a tantrum yesterday, you’re going to help me escape from Fort Knox, right?” She flashed a self-satisfied smirk. “And your tiger breath stunk, by the way.”
He grinned. “Have you smelt your breath in the morning, kerani?” he joked. The affectionate term meant beautiful in his language. He waved his palm in front of his face. “Phew, you could sink ships with that.”
Her eyes widened as she clasped her hand over her mouth. She leapt out of bed, narrowly missing the tray with the corner of the bedspread, and darted towards the bathroom.
Laughing, Drew stepped in front of her. “Hey, I’m kidding. You always smell great. Made you get out of bed though, didn’t it?”
Lexie reached for the hairbrush on her dressing table. She lifted her arm as though to take aim. “Like I said, you’re a moron,” she said, laughing too.
Good, things were getting back to normal.
Drew grabbed her wrist. Electricity sparked between them. Her dual-coloured eyes darkened, the violet splashes sparkling like fairy dust.
His pulse rate quickened.
That wasn’t normal, far from it. Neutral, Drew, keep it neutral. “Back to name-calling then?”
Back to being friends,” she replied.

Friends. How could they be friends when he wanted, no, yearned for them to be so much more? 

Violet Souls
The Evoxian Legacies #1 

While searching for clues to her past, single mother Bree Mills discovers a subculture of aliens with supernatural abilities living on Earth. And she’s one of them. Finding herself hurled into a world of possibilities, it’s made more alluring by Quinn Taylor, the 324-year-old, violet-eyed Evoxian from her childhood dreams.

Quinn knows his destiny is entwined with Bree’s. He’s fraught with frustration and desire, but before he can confess his love, he must wait for her to sense the Akui, a mysterious force tied with ancient Evoxian law.

At a Cotswolds country manor, passions awaken and ignite a love more magical than the once-Utopian planet, Evox. Then Fate delivers a cruel and heart-breaking blow when Bree is kidnapped by a malicious alien who wants her and her power. Will Quinn still love Bree when she’s faced with protecting her half-human daughter… whatever the cost? 

Bree perched on the edge of the sofa. “Did you hear about the attack at the local shop?”
Yeah, it’s all over Facebook,” her sister replied.
I was there.”
Shit. Are you okay?”
I’m fine. Someone saved me.” Her cheeks warmed. “It turns out he has the same pendant as me, and similar, violet-coloured eyes.”
He?” Jane raised an eyebrow. Ruby red lips twitched in a smile. “Brianna Mills! The original Miss I’m-off-guys-forever, actually likes someone. I never thought I’d see the day.”
No, I don’t…well, maybe I do, but that’s not it.”
They laughed, and Jane made immature wolf whistle sounds.
Okay, okay.” She let Jane have her fun before continuing. “Jane, I need to tell you something.”
Yes, something huge, you said that already. Spill.”
It’s amazing…or weird, depending on your views.” She bit her lip. What if Jane freaked out?
Get it off your chest, sis.”
You know how I’ve always been a bit different to other people?” She took a breath, then blurted out the words as she exhaled. “It’s because I’m not from this planet.”
You heard.”
Are you mad?”
No, I’m not mad.” She fidgeted on the sofa’s edge. “All I know is that it’s the most extraordinary feeling, Jane. I finally have a sense of who I am.”
Jane folded her arms. Her mouth opened to say something and then clamped shut again, repeatedly, like a goldfish. Bree imagined the expression on Jane’s face was something similar to how she must have looked when Quinn had told her. Except Jane didn’t have the ruggedly handsome Quinn Taylor gazing back at her with those intense, soul-piercing eyes of his. Alluring amethyst eyes.
What do you think, Jane? Weird or amazing?”
Please be okay with this.
Jane took a few moments to answer. “Weird…but in a good way, I think.” She rubbed her temple as though trying to make sense of it all. “Bloody hell, I feel like I’m in a science fiction movie or something.”
Yeah, that’s what I thought. But it is amazing, isn’t it?”
If you think so, Bree.”
The hesitation in her sister’s voice didn’t go unnoticed. “I do, Jane, more than anything.” Bree flung her arms around her sister and squeezed tight.

Jane returned the hug, much to her relief. “Ooh, I’m hugging an alien. Now that is weird!”

Abbey MacMunn writes paranormal and fantasy romance. She lives in Hampshire, UK, with her husband and their four children. 

When she’s not writing, she likes to watch films and TV shows – anything from rom-coms to superheroes to science fiction movies. 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

There’s also a giveaway for Violet Spirit's release on the author’s website.

Check it out here:


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