Great Summer Reads Part 20

Morgan J Muir lives in Utah with her fantastic husband, three offspring, and as many cats (but she doesn’t carry them with kits in sacks, and has never been to St. Ives). She grew up riding horses and motorcycles and listening to her grandmother read poetry. She grew up reading any sci-fi/fantasy novel she could get her hands on and so was surprised the day she discovered that she also really enjoyed historical fiction. Morgan always loved to write and draw and her parents always liked to say that they knew she’d write a book some day. Ever since she was small she told stories and drew pictures for her tales. When she got old enough, all of her spare time between classes was spent writing and she always had a notebook with her. Her first novel was originally written after her first child was born, to help her pass the long, lonely hours as a new stay-at-home mom. As her kids got older and more came she was too busy to do much with her stories, until one...