Snapshots From My Uneventful Life by David Aboulafia Book Tour and Giveaway!
Snapshots From My Uneventful Life by David Aboulafia Genre: Comedy, Autobiography In this hysterical, irreverent and sometimes thought-provoking collection of essays, the author takes us on a journey through everyday, real-life events that started out as “uneventful,” but wound up being anything but. “Snapshots” is a book that everyone will identify with, and that will have you holding your stomach with laughter and scratching your head in wonder! Add to Goodreads Amazon * B&N SNAPSHOTS FROM MY UNEVENTFUL LIFE "A Funny Gag, But No Laughing Matter" POOR COCO, my one-year-old, chocolate brown, 65 pound, positively loony Standard Poodle, was about to get his balls chopped off. Look, there’s just no delicate way to describe it, and I’m not sure whether I should tiptoe around anything or sugar coat the true nature of the event. Employing a more acceptable term such as “neuter” would not alter the graphic significance of such a procedure, a