Tennessee Waltz by EA Hunt Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Tennessee Waltz
by EA Hunt
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Life was good for Country Crooner Rhett Ravel. His latest album was a hit. His fiancée was carrying his child and he was about to take his career in a new direction. Nothing could stop him.

Bella Cayn was an upcoming novelist who's newest book was about to put her on the map and take her career to levels people only hoped for. Nothing was standing her way. 

Both were getting what they wanted. Had worked hard for their little slices of heaven but what happens when one's heaven turns into hell and the other was sent to save them giving them the comfort needed escape the hell they found themselves in.

 “So there seems to have been a mix-up,” Ms. Greene said. She was going to hit Carlton, her husband, for this. He was supposed to have put Bella in the small cottage they had on the back of the property, not in the third floor apartment.
“A mix-up?” Bella heatedly said. “This isn’t just a mix-up; this is a disaster!” She and the man she now knew as Rhett Ravell had argued back and forth about whose room they were in until their raised voices, and his retreating dog, had carried down to the first floor of the inn. “And that’s putting it mildly!” Bella said as she shook her head. “I’m naked in my room, and this man…” She gestures towards Rhett, “…opens the door with a bottle in his hand, screaming that this is his room.”
“I wasn’t screaming,” Rhett interjected as he took a sip of his drink. He sat down on the windowsill.
“And what do you call screaming at the top of your lungs, ‘WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?’” Bella mocked in a deep voice while looking at him.
Rhett chuckled into his glass. “What else was I supposed to say? I see a naked woman in my room, and I have to wonder why she’s there – especially when I didn’t hire her!”
“Did you just imply I was a hooker?” Bella questioned.
“I’d place you as more like a high-class call girl,” he replied, his eyes roaming her body.
Before she’d covered up, he had gotten a real good look at the curves Bella’s deep caramel skin housed. She definitely had an hour glass figure, with a little more weight in the hips, and an ass he was positive he could balance a tray on.
“Well, that’s better!” Bella said.
He raised an eyebrow. Most women would hate being compared to a prostitute.
“My momma always told me, if I was going to be in any profession, be the best. And last I checked, high-class call girls went for a thousand an hour with an all-night rate of ten grand,” Bella informed before she faced Ms. Greene, who was trying hide a smirk. “Now isn’t there something we can do about this?” she questioned, pulling her robe tighter around her body. She’d seen how Rhett was looking at her. Though the man was ruggedly handsome, he was not the type she wanted to get involved with.
“I agree. I would like my room back – without her in it,” Rhett said as he poured more whiskey into his glass.
“Being anywhere near you, Mr. Ravell, is not how I planned to spend my vacation,” Bella snapped back.
“So you know who I am?” Rhett questioned. He’d hoped the months’ worth of facial growth had hid him somewhat.
Bella faced him. “Though I’ve been in Europe and Asia the last four months, you have been front-page entertainment news for most of it,” she informed him.
“I’m sure I have been,” Rhett replied. Since he’d been at the Prestige, he hadn’t really listened to the radio and had avoided the news at all cost.
“Yes, well, I don’t want to be anywhere near a man like yourself.”
Rhett pointed at himself with his hand, holding the whiskey glass. “Myself? Lady, you are a piece of work. You are in my room with my things, and you are trying to make it sound like it’s my fault.”
“I told you before, I didn’t know this was your room,” Bella reminded him.
“My crap is all over the place!” Rhett countered. “I have shaving stuff—”
“That you haven’t used in a while,” Bella finished for him.
Rhett continued, “…and there is man-soap in the bathroom. Plus, I have clothes hanging up in the closet. Did you think all that was left behind by some person who had checked out? And how in the hell did you miss the dog bed by the French doors leading to the balcony?”
Bella swallowed. She wasn’t paying attention, that’s how. She had been so tired that she’d completely ignored all he’d pointed out to her. “I—”
“I what? …am sorry? You should be! My privacy was invaded, not yours!” Her shoulders slumped, and he saw the glistening of tears in her eyes, and Rhett cursed himself. “Damn it! I’m—”
“No.” Bella wiped at her tears. “You’re right. I invaded your privacy.” She looked at Ms. Greene. “If there is another room in the inn, I would like to take it,” she said as her fatigue was coming back full force. Between the tour, her neighbors, and now this, she was exhausted and ready to fall over. And she would – just as soon as she could find a bed to fall into.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have anywhere else for you to stay,” Ms. Greene said.
“That can’t be possible. When my publicist’s assistant booked this place, you said you had more than enough room. That you were practically empty … when she inquired about privacy for me to rest….” Bella couldn’t head home and deal with the constant barrage of townspeople, and now she was about to be kicked out of the B&B she had hoped to find some rest in.
“That was the case when she booked the room three weeks ago when we were expecting you,” Ms. Green said.
Ugh. These reservations were three weeks old? Shangela, Vanya’s assistant, must have made them before she had solid appearance dates in Australia.
“If there is nothing here, then there has to be something somewhere else,” Bella said. She would hate to move her things again. Her body was protesting, but she couldn’t….
“You can stay here,” Rhett told her. He stood up from the windowsill and placed his glass on it.
“I can’t,” Bella said, not facing him.
“You can,” he insisted as he walked over to her. He’d watched silently as the wind had been taken out of her sails and her body revolted at the idea of moving anywhere but to a bed. He placed his hands on Bella’s shoulders and turned her towards the bed. “Now, in bed,” he told her.
“I can’t stay here,” Bella yawned, already breaking down into sleep mode.
“I will sleep on the floor,” Rhett told her as he gently pushed her toward the bed. He pulled back the covers and placed her in bed and put them over her.
“That’s not fair. This is your room. I can—”
“Go where?” Rhett questioned as he watched her eyes droop.
“The next town,” Bella said sleepily.
“All booked there too,” Ms. Greene told them. “It’s the American Association of Beekeepers Annual Conference,” she shrugged as Rhett looked at her. “Who knew we had enough beekeepers to fill up all the hotels and such.”
Rhett was sure not all of the people were beekeepers. Some were vendors selling their wares or salespeople trying to make deals with the beekeepers. “How long is the conference?”
“Five days,” Ms. Green replied. “We are already two days in” she finished
“What about the tiny house I saw out back?” Rhett questioned. He’d walked the property a few times with Whiskey Girl and had seen the little house empty.
“Being used by a beekeeper who lives full-time in the tiny house and didn’t want to change his—”
Both became still when a tiny snore came from the bed. Rhett chuckled at the sound.
“Laughing at a young woman is unbecoming,” Ms. Greene told him.
“Yeah, but she’s not awake,” Rhett retorted.
“Come downstairs for dinner. I’m sure Whiskey Girl and Mr. Greene are starving. Plus it will give Bella a chance to sleep.”

Bella. So that was her name. Rhett turned from the woman in his bed. She definitely lived up to her name. 

Author EA Hunt was born the youngest of William and Natlean Bills' four children. EA was raised in Joliet, IL; an suburb of Chicago, and went to college at Kentucky State University where she earned her Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts and sung in the Gospel Ensemble. EA had two daughters, Tayla Elizabeth and Ava Elease. EA, Tayla and Ava reside in Marietta, Ga, an suburb of Atlanta, Ga. 

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


  1. Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the excerpt and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters the ones I know they would enjoy reading and they both love to read. Thank you!


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