Glamour & Shadows - Glamour & Shadows Book 1 by Robert Hazelton Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Glamour & Shadows
Glamour & Shadows Book 1
by Robert Hazelton
Genre: Urban Fantasy
260 pages

From the Author of Drown the Heart and Creative Spark, this is where the Society stories all begin with a dimming of the lights.

Monsters Exist

Only the Society keeps humanity blissfully ignorant of the dangers that lurk within every shadow.

Incubus Detective Algiers Stanton and his fairy partner Ophelia Dupre have been working together for quite a while. One serious, one not so much, they make a perfect team; complementing each other even as one grates on the other's nerves.

When they're called upon to investigate a grisly murder thought to be committed by a shapeshifter, it looks like a routine case of clean & close, everyone happy. But the complications of a millennia old organization refuse to go quietly under the rug and when the past rises up to shake the very pillars of the Society, the two detective's lives may change forever in the process.

The shadows await!

Nightlife Interrupted
Glamour & Shadows Book 2
221 pages

From the Author of Glamour & Shadows, Drown the Heart and Creative Spark comes a vampire story with heart, soul and a twenty-sided die.

Roll for Initiative

Vinny Presaro has it made. A newly created vampire, he owns the hottest game store in town, wiling away his nights with role playing and graphic novels. His life would be idyllic if not for his terrible luck with romance and the vivid, disturbing dreams he has every couple weeks. They seemed like mere fantasy so he did his best to write them off (the dreams, sure but also the chances of being near a woman without her nervously eyeing the door).

His latest nightmare came in the form of an apocalyptic scene complete with rivers of blood, pieces of people and a demonic girl dancing amongst the carnage. When she comes walking into the store, he’s faced with the possibility that he could be having premonitions and not a chemical reaction to bottled blood.

Vinny reaches out to investigator Ophelia Dupre to help him understand his revelation. Unfortunately, she has some trouble with Vampires so their working relationship is strained to say the least. Armed with pop culture references, preconceived notions and a couple big guns, these two very well may be the only thing standing between the world and the end of days.

We might be in trouble

The Hermes Foundation
Glamour & Shadows Book 3
258 pages

From the Author of Glamour & Shadows and Nightlife Interrupted comes the third book set in the world of the Society. 

Magic is Real

Lillian Bowan has seen a lot. A former war correspondent turned struggling journalist, she has been searching for the one story which will satisfy her ambition, to be part of something meaningful. When she rushed down for a coveted TV spot covering a gas main explosion, she never dreamed it would put her on a dangerous path of discovery.

Nicolas Chabrier lives in a world of demons and mysticism, where vampires are real and shape shifters stalk the night. An independent wizard trained by an esoteric group outside the bounds of reality, he tries to keep a low profile out of the supernatural spotlight. When he saves Lillian from a demonic incursion and tries to erase her memory, he finds something far more insidious than a random invasion.

But not always wondrous

***From The Hermes Foundation***

Lilly was on a mission. She flashed her ID card to the front desk security without sparing them a glance and slapped the button to summon the elevator. Frustrated rage made her twitchy but she refused to pace, instead remaining perfectly still with her eyes fixed on the elevators progress.
Good morning, Miss Bowan.” One of the new interns came up alongside her. “Youre looking particularly sharp today.”
Thanks.” Lilly kept her tone even and neutral. She specifically picked her black pinstripe suit to make a statement, a corporate power look to remind her boss she was ambitious. Opportunities were hard to come by and she was not one to squander them.
I loved the piece you wrote on...on the no kill animal shelters. You had a lot of great points, good research.”
Lilly looked at the younger man who couldn’t have been out of college more than a few months. His blond hair was cropped so close to his head at first glance he appeared to be bald. Pale skin was still plagued by the lingering effects of youthful acne and he was soft spoken, shy. She found her mood lightened by his eagerness.
What was your name again?” Lilly asked.
Mark...Mark Sanders. We only met once when I first started last month...I’ve been working with Tammy?”
Oh, she’s a good choice,” Lilly replied. She had to nurse her indignity. Mark reminded her of herself when she first got started which was a good memory. Still, she couldn’t be soft on the editor. “She covered those riots a couple years back. Ask her how she survived. It might come in handy.”
The elevator arrived and they both piled on, tapping the eighth floor. Mark spoke quickly.
I understand you did some war correspondence in the Middle East.”
Yeah, I was there for nine months.”
Your articles focused on the action. Were you embedded?”
With a supply unit traveling around the region. The routes were supposed to be safe but we were ambushed twice.”
So you actually saw combat?”
From the ground outside of a jeep watching as the soldiers fended off the insurgents.” Lilly glanced at her watch, mostly to express her impatience. “And before you ask, yeah it was scary as hell.”
I cant imagine it...”
I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy,” Lilly said just as the doors opened. “But then, most people dont take advice. It was an enlightening experience, thats about all I can say.”
Ill bet.” Mark stepped off the elevator after her. “It was very nice to meet you, Miss Bowan.”
Likewise, Mark. Have a good day.”
Lilly made straight for the editors office, picking back up the rage she lost while talking on the elevator. The man was alone and not on the phone which made her feel a little better. At least she wouldn’t look like a rude bitch when she burst in to say her piece.
Gary Hearsh was good at his job and he had probably taken his fair share of rants from reporters. When she threw open his door without a knock and slammed it shut, he didn’t even have the courtesy to act startled. He looked up with a languid expression, his eyes challenging her to bring him something new.
I cant believe you let channel six drop my segment!”
Good morning to you too.”
This isn’t funny, Gary!” Lilly leaned over and tapped his desk. “I was counting on that break! It was big news and I risked my life. How could they give it to some other reporter? That jerk wasn’t even on the scene?”
They weren’t interested in an on the ground perspective. A gas main exploded. What more do you want? Its not rocket science.”
I was in the thick of it with rocks falling out of the sky and fire burning everywhere...I could’ve been blown up!”
But you weren’t.” He paused. “Though I suppose if you had been, it would’ve been bigger news.”
Lilly scowled. “I suppose you think you’re funny.”
A little bit, yes.”
Its not!” Lilly turned away with an exasperated grunt. “I thought youd stand up for us here and help out! Im sick of doing menial work. You know, I was taken more seriously five years ago when I was hip deep in wartime stories.”
People were interested in that back then and what have you done since?”
Exactly! You’ve got me covering boring local kitsch. Im not a color commentator, Im a journalist and I expect to report on real issues!”
I’ve given you important assignments,” Gary said, shrugging his shoulders. “You didn’t think the financial conference was a good step?”
No, it was crap! I want in on something with some action. I want to talk to politicians or investigate medical policies...I want to work on a conspiracy. I want something with meat to it.”
I can appreciate youre hungry-
Lilly rolled her eyes. “Cute.”
-But...I expect you to behave like a professional. I know how you were taught in school because I helped come up with the curriculum. You dont always cover the stories you want to. Sometimes, you have to write drivel for the masses. I throw you bones, just like this gas main thing. Its not our fault if Channel six changed their minds.”
But they own both papers! How could they decide to screw me when I work for them?”
First off, it would be a hard sell to say they screwed you. You were out there, yes but nearly getting killed doesn’t mean you had a profoundly unique perspective to provide. Secondly, they do whatever they want and they want whatever is cheapest. The lady they got is younger than you are and half as talented. Do you feel better?”
I’m supposed to be happy they’re patronizing me?”
You cant be sensitive and survive in our field, Lilly. You just cant.” Gary leaned back in his chair. “You have to take the shit jobs and the great ones...and if one falls through, always have a backup plan. Channel six will come around again and since you were so keen to get in there fast, you’ll be at the top of the list. Until then, you know what to do.
Your assignments are on your desk.”
Thats fantastic. I cant even believe this! It’s unfair!
Perfect. I can see the headline now.” Gary held up his hands as if framing the title. “Life is unfair, especially for journalists.”
And now you’re mocking me.
Did you expect sympathy?”
I suppose not...”
And youre done venting?
For now.”
Good, then can we get back to work. Maybe we can try me being the boss and you the reporter. What do you think?”
Lilly rolled her eyes. “Is it in the editor job description to be a sarcastic ass?”
Right up there with six years of college but they omitted having to put up with whiney writers. Go on now, get back to work.”
Gary hired Lilly after she got back from the Middle East. Her time there earned her the credibility to land a job at Modern Affairsa magazine with a decent circulation and respected enough to be read in several states. Her work spanned from the marginally important to the outright silly but she needed the experience.
Part of her felt entitled to better. She had been through a lot to prove she was serious so having to interview a local novelty store owner or cover a farmers market attraction was insulting. The gas main situation wasn’t a big break but it sure as hell would’ve gotten her face and name out to a larger audience.
Maybe I should get back to freelancing...theres bound to be some trouble somewhere.
The dossiers on her desk were the traditional drivel of Modern Affairs. The name was a red flag when she accepted the position but after reading through several back issues, she realized Gary tried to balance the frivolous with the meaningful. She was hoping her track record would speak to which side she cared about.
When she started the job, it became clear everyone tried their hand at all the stories. Diversity was fun for a while but her passion for the news made it hard. She wanted big breaks and insider scoops, to expose things corporations tried to keep secret and bust shady deals.
One of her professors spent an ungodly amount of time urging his students to be crusaders with a pen. Never let up until you find the truth, no matter how raw it might be. That was his credo. Lilly believed there were limits to everything, including the truth. She defined integrity as knowing when to expose something, not just blindly running around with a spotlight to cast on peoples dirty laundry.
A wave of nausea hit her hard and she reeled, closing her eyes tightly and leaning forward. By the time it passed a couple people were staring at her and she offered a wan smile. “Im okay,” she assured, mostly herself rather than them. “I think I might be a little shaken still by what happened yesterday.”
The explanation placated her neighbors and they began to commiserate with her, commenting about how awful it must have been. They flouted her bravery and a couple of them agreed they never would’ve gone into such a crazy situation. She’d heard it all before only the war stuff had some kind of meaning. A gas main blowing up was totally random.
The shock of it probably knocked her body into a premature period. That would explain the dizziness.
Lovely…just lovely.

Lilly forced herself to stand up, ignoring the pain in her gut and the vertigo making her head swim. Her heels made the trip all the more treacherous. Fortunately, every step made her feel a little better, a little more herself. By the time she stepped into the lady’s room, she felt almost normal.

The Midnight Turn
Glamour & Shadows Book 4
202 pages

Hollywood beckons!

Genevieve St. Claire’s novel The Midnight Turn became a big hit when it was initially released. Her meteoric ride to genre fame brought her to various conventions, talk shows and workshops across the country. When a movie producer decides to option the book for a big budget movie, her head spins with the possibilities, especially since she can’t claim the rights to her first book, a well-known horror novel published in 1818…

Gen’s second dive into literature was inspired by her vampire creator, Christian Lark, an unpredictable and romantic figure she’s polished into something a modern audience can tolerate. Enter the proposed leading man, Jacob Moran, wizard and descendant of the Lark line. His semblance is uncanny, his youth intoxicating but there’s also Allan Taylor, the handsome screenwriter hired to adapt the book.

With half a dozen lives intermingling amidst the chaos of film production, The Midnight Turn explores a human experience through the eyes of the supernatural. 

Enjoy the show!

Dark Side of the Vale
Glamour & Shadows Book 5
295 pages

A Messy Crime

A seemingly normal family is murdered, their home turned into a horrifying scene of torture and chaos. Their deaths follow a pattern, an extreme version of three serial killers terrorizing the country. The Society steps in to explore any supernatural angle the case may present and begin to work with Special Agent Rebecca Marsh of a newly formed FBI group code named The Park. Versed in all manner of paranormal creatures, she is to act as an ambassador to ensure humans and monsters can work together.

Such a dramatic change comes as quite the shock to Incubus detective Algiers Stanton and his fairy partner Ophelia Dupre. They land the case and the task of playing politics with their new human colleague. After spending years ensuring humans never learn about them, this goes against everything they know but they’ll need all the help they can get to stop the murderers before they strike again. For these fiends are not merely ending lives, they are collecting ingredients for a sinister plan, one which may destroy the world as we know it.

The Detectives Have Returned

Fairy Tale Ending
Glamour & Shadows Book 6
214 pages

Desperation Breeds Obedience

Renard Martin lives a simple life. As a hitman for a Society bigwig, he takes on targets the former Cleaners used to handle. As a graduate of the infamous Lark sanctum, he’s a dangerous and irreverent person who has no desire to remain beholden to anyone. After his family was brutally murdered, he thought he lost them all but then he heard a rumor. His sister Victoria may still be alive and the vampire Marius Sontag promised to help him find her…for the price of becoming an assassin.

Belia Dellacroix never got to live for herself. The ward of an ancient vampire, every event of her existence has been carefully planned, governed and censored. This has not left her without guile, however and once she discovered the grim fate her guardian had in store for her, she took drastic action. Stepping out means incredible risk and so she turns to the only person she can in her carefully designed world: a certain Society hitman looking for something dear to him.

But will Renard prove too unpredictable and harsh for her needs? Holding leverage over his head might well be the most dangerous thing she’s ever done but desperate times call for desperate measures. Without him, she’ll be an unwilling sacrifice, killed for a chance to claim ancient power but if she can keep her protector on track and under control, she may just get the fairy tale ending she’s always hoped for. 

The Lark Legacy
A Prequel to The Hermes Foundation
Glamour & Shadows Book 7

Without Direction

Ruby Lark comes from a long line of curious and reckless wizards. Her father, Henry Lark, runs a strict sanctum where students are taught through a brutal curriculum of harsh consequences and cruelty. He seems to have some nebulous purpose for her in mind but his dispassion and formality have kept them apart, master and student instead of parent and child. With no friends, no recourse and no sanctuary, she steeled herself for a life of service to a cause she would probably never understand.

Mortimer Dampton started at the Lark Sanctum at the end of his education. A brash, charming wizard, he comes with a wealth of necromantic knowledge. Henry assigns him to partner with Ruby, who instantly takes a dislike to his overly familiar, roguish personality. But he may just hold the key to her salvation, even as he begins to defy the edicts of her father, sending them both on a course to their fates.

Without Limits

Robert Hazelton has been writing short fiction, novels and music his entire life. As the founding member of Deadly Nightshade Botanical Society and a long time member of the band Abney Park, he has traveled extensively and performed countless shows in exotic locales. 

Robert writes in a variety of genres but keeps drifting back to modern fantasy/horror. He considers Elizabeth Moon, Frank Herbert, and Steven Pressfield to be his biggest influences.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


  1. Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the excerpt and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters the ones I know they would enjoy reading and they both love to read. Thank you!


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