Great Summer Reads 2020 Countdown Blitz Day 4!

RANDY LINDSAY is a native of Arizona. He lives in Mesa with his wife, five of his nine children, a dog, a cat, and a hyperactive imagination. His wife calls him the “Story Man” because he sees everything as material for a story. He has three books traditionally published and four indie-published titles.
As a family historian, Randy has 14 years of genealogy experience. He has researched over 5,000 names in his own family tree and helped over a dozen other people in their ancestral quests. He has a passion for family history and a newfound appreciation for the frequency in which family relations can turn out to be different than what everyone believes to be true.

 ~ Website ~

"Raised in a family he bore little resemblance to, Randy was jokingly referred to as ""the milkman's son."" This warm and candid memoir chronicles the unraveling of a family secret, which begins with Randy's dad having dreams about deceased relatives urging him to complete their family tree. Randy agrees to help with the genealogy, but after his searching leads to a dead end, he takes a commercially available DNA test. The results reveal a possible genetic match to a sister, which begins a familial quest that forever changes the author's life.

Featuring a cast of vivid characters, richly drawn from two distinct families, The Milkman's Son, reveals on man's family tree, pulling back layers of new information as he gets closer to the truth--a biological father, siblings, and family members he never knew existed.
This is a story of accepting, forgiving, reuniting, and, most importantly, it's about the bonds that connect us and the unconditional love that makes us feel like we belong. "

~ Universal Amazon Link

Q&A With the Author:

1.   What do you like to do when you're not writing?
   A: Visit friend, play card/board games, and work on my family history. 

2.  What was the hardest part of writing your book, and how did you overcome it?

  A: The decision to actually write it. I didn't want to at first, but several of my friends convinced me that sharing my experience in finding out I had a secret family I didn't know anything about would be a great help to others. They were right. I've had so many people contact me and thank me for sharing my story. I'm glad I wrote it. 

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

  A: Ireland. That is where the Lindsay's come from and I would like to visit the ancestral home of my adopted family. 

4.  Where do you get information and ideas for your books?

  A: Most of the time, ideas come to me when I'm supposed to be doing something else. In this case, however, it was a matter of the events being part of my life. I wanted there to be a book about DNA surprises that was focused more on the positive elements of the experience rather than dwelling on the unfortunate parts.

5. Tell us a bit about a future project you are working on? Do you have any little sneak peeks you can share?  

  A: I have promised my dad that I will finish book 4 in The Gathering series. But most of what I'm working on now are projects to help people tell their own personal stories. Or the stories of their family. This includes My Historic Moments Journal to record a person's part of history in the making and The Easy-Peasy Method For Writing Memoir And Family Stories to make it easier for the average person to write stories about the people that are important in their lives. 

6. Now that we've gotten to know each other, tell us a story of a favorite childhood activity you used to do during the summer. It can be long or short. Funny, sad, or somewhere in between. Just make sure it's yours. Tell us a story?

  A: I have a cousin who is 9 days younger than me. We spent summers together, one year at my home and the next year with his family. Not only were we the best of friends and frequently in trouble, but it gave me an opportunity to visit different places. Oklahoma City and the Dallas/Fort Worth area. An entire summer in places that were green and filled with things that I didn't see at home. To this day, Bill is one of my favorite people. I'm glad he has been a part of my life. 

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