Valentine Countdown Blitz - 12 Days of Clean Romance Day 7!

Lillith Black lives in Southern California, where she enjoys sun and warm weather and writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

She loves a good book; her favorite genres are paranormal romance, sci-fi and fairy tales. Her favorite shows include Doctor Who, Stranger Things and X-files. Her favorite book hero is Sherlock Holmes and, when she travels, she spends her evenings in the hotel room binging on Forensic Science.

She is currently working on a vampire romance Love Me or Bite Me.

Connect with the Author here: 

He was born to love her, but will she allow herself to be loved? 

Amaris comes from a poor broken family where she was never loved. On the night of her 19th birthday, she meets Gustavo, handsome, eloquent, wealthy. When he tells her that he is destined to love her, she rejects the idea, but the mysterious sparks that fly every time they touch, stop her in her tracks.

Gustavo reveals to Amaris that they both belong to an ancient order of the Moon, and he is born to be only with her, to love and protect her. When she falls violently sick, and only Gustavo knows how to save her, they are forced to travel across the world where Amaris discovers her true self and wakes up the powers that could start a war between two feuding ancient clans.

When the fight breaks out, and Gustavo and others are kidnapped, Amaris has to accept who she is and step into her power to save the ones she loves.

Q&A With The Author:

1.   Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
a.   I love to sing and go to karaoke any chance I get. I also have a karaoke app on my phone
b.   I love reading and can get easily lost in a book for hours, not hearing anything that’s going on around me
c.   I do yoga and tai chi – they make me strong, flexible and happy

2.   What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?
a.   Getting distracted by the social media and household chores. To combat these, I go to the library where all I do is write, turn off the wifi on my computer and put my phone on airplane mode. I also remind myself that if I feel like procrastinating that means I’m dealing with fear and there should be no fear in writing.

3.   What are your future projects?
a.   I’m about to release my vampire romance novel “Love Me or Bite Me” and I began to write second installment in my YA series, the Sleepwalker Chronicles. This year I’m also planning to write and publish 2ndbook in the Gifted by the Moon series and 2nd book in the Love Me or Bite me series. In 2019 all 3 series will get complete with the 3rdbook in each.

4.   What is the “message” of your writing? 
a.   The message in my books is the message of empowerment. I want young women to find their voice, their strength, their light and then shine it onto others. As much as my books are about romance, my heroines are no damsels in distress. They are strong and can take care of themselves. Their men are proud to be by their sides.

5.   Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
a.   Since my books are all in a paranormal realm, the characters in them are all made up, but I do get influenced by the character traits of people around me and some of the experiences from my own life. I do like for my stories to take place in real places, so far I have “visited” Sweet Home, Oregon, Canadian Rockies, Malibu, California, Quito, Ecuador, Denver, Colorado and Seattle, Washington.

6.   Have you done anything writing-related, besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
a.   I have done some fun stuff related to the world of writing and books in the past few years. I have attended several writers’ conferences, been part of a writing group, participated in NaNoWriMo and also shared a booth at the WonderCon in Anaheim where I got to talk to readers and share my book. At the last conference I got to participate in a late-night critique circle led by my editor, Robert Yehling, and it was lot of fun interacting with other authors, giving them perspective on their work and cheering them on.

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