Fury Unleashed by N.J. Walters Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Fury Unleashed
Forgotten Brotherhood Book One
by N.J. Walters
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

Maccus Fury, a fallen angel, is trying hard to keep his sanity. Seems being an assassin might be catching up with him. Now, Heaven, or Hell, has sent a beautiful assassin to kill him. Lovely. She’s pretending to seduce him, and he’s okay with that. She’s smart and snarky—but she has no idea what she’s walked into. And he’s more than peeved that they only sent one person. They’re going to need an army if they want him dead.

Morrigan Quill is one of Hell’s bounty hunters. She sold her soul to keep her sister safe, and now she’s working off her contract by catching bad guys and dragging them back to hell. When Lucifer makes her a new offer––that’s definitely too good to be true—she can’t say no. All she has to do is kill a powerful and crazy-hot fallen angel, who will totally kick her ass in battle.

Good thing he won’t see what’s coming next.

What the hell am I doing? Her job, for one. Yeah, right. She hadn't followed Maccus because Lucifer wanted the man dead. I have no idea why I'm here. Her lips still tingled where he'd kissed her. It had been more than ten years since she'd had a sexual reaction to a man. Being dragged into Hell to train as a bounty hunter had killed her libido. And since then, the only contact she'd had with the opposite sex was either demon--no thank yo--or human scum like the group she'd encountered tonight. Not exactly designed to make a girl want to rip off her panties and jump into bed. But Maccus knew what she was and wasn't the least bit intimidated or bothered by it. That was a turn-on. But she was no closer to understanding exactly who or what he was beyond his name and that fact that he was badass. Her boss ordered her to sleep with him if necessary. And if sex with a stranger helped keep her alive, she'd been prepared to do it. Then she'd met him in person and decided it might not be such a hardship after all. It was smart to go with him, maybe find out where he lived and discover his weaknesses, if he had any. It would make it easier to kill him when the time came. If she tried now, she was as good as dead. There was no time limit on the contract. It made sense to discover all she could about her target before setting the trap. And she was lying to herself. Maccus was almost seven feet of muscle and menace. The only thing soft about him was his silky black hair. In person, his features were even more rugged. And his eyes seemed to hold all the secrets of the universe, all the pain. Black pants clung to his powerful thighs. A black tank top stretched across his massive chest beneath a light leather jacket. They were dressed in an almost identical manner, blending seamlessly with the night. He woke long forgotten yearnings from back when she'd been nothing more than an unsuspecting human living her ordinary life. He made her remember who she'd been, not what she'd become. Primal instincts urged her to run. He's dangerous. Softness was not something she could afford. Not with her life and that of her sister hanging in the balance. Until she'd fulfilled her contract and paid the debt in full, Lucifer was within his rights to grab her sister. And there was nothing she wouldn't do to keep Kayley safe. That was her objective. She couldn't forget it for one second.
Once upon a time N.J. had the idea that she would like to quit her job at the bookstore, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown, and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the bookstore and her hometown and settled in for another seven years.

One day she gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a tentative acceptance for her first romance novel and life would never be the same.

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks--all vie for her attention. It's a tough life, but someone's got to live it.

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