Holiday of the Heart by Angel Wolfe Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Holiday of the Heart
by Angel Wolfe
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Author Morgan Paige has had more than her share of ups and downs; but can a long-term affair turn into something more, or will the flame smolder only to be fanned by a new love?

After a horrendous Valentine's Day nightmare, and a hot and steamy reunion, Morgan and Ricky part ways only to have Ricky show up several months later asking her to wait for him. The problem is, Morgan has already been waiting for years. How much is too much? Will their romance survive yet another separation or will someone new fill the aching hole in her heart?

Shimmying back out of the outhouse, Morgan looked cautiously towards her truck and then to the cabin, trying to weigh her options before taking off in a mad dash for the door at the front of the cabin.  A deep growl was the only warning she got as a huge wolf launched itself out of darkness. Lying there for quite some time, Ricky eventually was able to clear his mind enough to let the soft sound of Morgan’s slumber lull him to sleep too. Clutching her tight, he mumbled, “I love you so much. I don’t want to ever lose you.” Upon arriving at the airport, he paid the driver and walked stoically to the terminal. Checking that the flight was on time, he took a seat pulling a hidden book from his carry-on. Allowing himself a brief smile at the picture on the inside cover, he began to read her latest book – the one about him. Unable to help himself, his slick soapy hands slipped up between her legs cleansing her most intimate area, paying careful attention to each reaction she offered. As he looked upward, water streaming from his hair, her smoldering gaze transfixed him. Rinsing his hands, he gently nudged her legs apart. The lingering scent of sweet pea tantalized his senses. Folding everything neatly into the bag, she noticed a small square box on the comforter up between the pillows. Picking up the box she flipped open the lid, gasping in awe she admired the small gold ring that housed a miniature wolf howling at the moon. Unchecked tears fell from her eyes as she turned to where Ricky stood in the doorway. His large hands took the glass from her and set it on the cabinet before settling on her shoulders. Gently, he turned her to face him. “It’s ok Morgan. Come here.” He gathered her into his arms and pulled her snug against his chest. Holding her tight, he soothingly stroked her back. Tears she didn’t know she released ran unchecked down her face to soak his shirtfront. “You know you’re going to have to call him; it’s only fair.” “That’s right, you’re a writer.” He smiled, genuinely impressed. “I’m the local handyman otherwise known as the electrician. If you need to get wired, I’m your man!” Morgan squirmed and screamed out as he tickle-tortured her to submission. Finally, he captured her hands and secured them above her head, holding them in one of his own large hands. Taking the wet towel, he touched her nose and slowly, painstakingly trailed it down to her neck and into the valley between her heaving breasts.   

Angel Wolfe was born in Muscatine, Iowa and learned to read by the age of three. When she was five, she moved with her family to northwest New Mexico where by the time she reached the age of eleven, she began reading romance novels pilfered from her mother.

In high school, Angel often sat with the textbook open and a romance novel sitting inside it. After high school, she began writing stories in notebooks because she didn't own a typewriter.

Later, Angel neared completion of her first novel, Damaged Hearts but she couldn't bring herself to end it (until recently!) Since that time, she has written four short stories, a contemporary holiday novella, a historical romance novel, a contemporary novel ,and is nearing completion on a paranormal romance novel.

When she's not writing or curled up with a book or watching college football, Angel loves to go to local dirt tracks and watch racing. One of her greatest dreams is to find herself listed on the New York Times bestsellers list.

Angel still lives in New Mexico with her husband, her son, and her dog, a little Muppet with teeth, otherwise known as Rusty. 

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Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story? Definitely! My characters tell me their story, I just get to tweak it a bit. I think that’s part of why it takes me so long to get my stories written. I have to wait for them to show me the way. I’ve tried to force my ideas into the story, but it always turns out bad and I end up spending days, weeks or months rewriting. It’s easier to wait and see what happens then try to guess and have to make changes.

Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.
I feel that my book isn’t as predictable as a lot of books I have read. My characters are relatable and realistic, and the situation is one that I could see happening in real life. I try to write my stories so that the reader feels that they are in them. They feel like they are the main character and see the events happening almost as if they are happening to them.

Have you written any other books that are not published?
I have a new one coming out for Halloween. I also have about 14 pending in various stages of completion. I don’t think I will ever be a one at a time kinda person. When I have an idea, I start writing and go as long as it stays fresh in my mind. Then I go back to other partials only to pick it back up again when something new shows itself to me.

How long have you been writing?
Since I was in Jr. High.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write? Most of my characters are there from the start but sometimes I have a new guy show up and it’s kinda like ‘Hey, where’d he/she come from?’

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?
This totally depends on the book. I try to have the setting already mapped out in my head when I start writing. Other bits and pieces are usually researched as I write. For Moonlight Immortals, I did quite a bit of research on the cars that were driven, the clothing that was worn, the technology available things like that associated with the time period of the book.

Do you see writing as a career?
I would one day love for it to be my career but for now, its what I do to get through the bad days, and to “get away” from reality now and then.

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

I read a ton! I love pretty much anything romance. Historical, Western, Paranormal, Contemporary, Holiday and even erotica. I definitely love a hot cowboy probably the best, but I read the back of the book and can pretty much get hooked on anything that’s well written.  

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


  1. Thank you so very much for hosting my book today. I really appreciate it.


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