War of Storms by Erica Cameron Blog Tour :)

War of Storms (The Ryogan Chronicles #3)
by Erica Cameron
Publication Date: November 5, 2018
Publisher: Entangled Teen

The immortal mages have risen, and they’re out for blood.

Khya arrived at the Ryogan coast too late to stop the invasion. Now, cities are falling before the unrelenting march of an enemy army, and Khya’s squad is desperately trying to stay ahead of them. Warning the Ryogans, though, means leaving her brother imprisoned even longer. Time is running out for everyone.

how can her squad of ten stand against an army of ten thousand?

Calling in help from every ally she’s made in Ryogo, Khya tries to build a plan that won’t require sacrificing her friends or her brother. It’s a tough balance to find, especially when the leadership role she thought she wanted sits heavy on her shoulders, and her relationship with Tessen is beginning to crack under the strain.

The immortal mages have risen, and they’re out for blood.

Khya arrived at the Ryogan coast too late to stop the invasion. Now, cities are falling before the unrelenting march of an enemy army, and Khya’s squad is desperately trying to stay ahead of them. Warning the Ryogans, though, means leaving her brother imprisoned even longer. Time is running out for everyone.

The end is coming, and there’s no way to know who’ll be left standing when it hits.

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I also saw Sanii and Yorri moments after their bond.” His quiet words take a few seconds to land. When they do, they hit like a boulder.
I’d forgotten that. How had I forgotten? Tessen was the one who told me about the bond, and when he did, he admitted that he’d known since the day it happened.
“Your brother always felt like he had to chase everyone else’s progress, and it made him wary. He was on guard with everyone but you.” He shifts closer. “That day though, he looked... I don’t even know how to describe it. It isn’t an expression I’ve seen in any other moment.”
Closing my eyes, I turn away, not because I don’t want to see him, but because I don’t want him to see me. Everything he’s saying is true, and yet it doesn’t ease the fear knotting my stomach when I think about bonding myself.
I’ve talked about it before, but only in offhand comments as nebulous as heat waves. I’ve thought about it, but only the good parts—being able to hold on to someone I loved even beyond death. In a daydream, the pain that death brought never came; I didn’t have to consider how easily a sumai bond could tear a soul apart.
“Nothing is certain, Khya, but when has that stopped us?” Tessen shifts, something he’s wearing scraping against the rock. “Why are you letting it stop you now?”
“This is different! I’m not afraid of suffering. I’ll gladly throw myself into a maelstrom if I need to.” My hands are tight fists against my thighs, but my words flow like a waterfall once I start. “How can whatever joy someone finds in a sumai be worth the inevitable agony? And it is inevitable. Even immortality isn’t forever. We’ve proven that. A sumai means one day tearing someone I love in half and leaving them bleeding from the inside out. Because of me.”
Silence. My own breathing is shockingly harsh in the stillness. When did I start sucking in air like I was sprinting?
Why isn’t Tessen saying anything?
 “What if I told you I was willing?” he asks after so many breaths I’d stopped counting. “What if, for me, suffering that kind of agony is worth it for everything that came before?”


Erica Cameron is the author of books for young adults including the Ryogan Chronicles, the Assassins duology, and The Dream War Saga. She also co-authored the Laguna Tides novels with Lani Woodland. An advocate for asexuality and emotional abuse awareness, Erica has also worked with teens at a residential rehabilitation facility in her hometown of Fort Lauderdale.

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Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? 
I’ve always loved stories, no matter what form they came in—books, movies, or TV. Books, however, we’re a lot easier to carry around with me than the other options since I grew up in the age before smart phones and streaming services. The first sign that my fascination with stories included creating my own should’ve been the assignment I completed in eighth grade. We were supposed to work in groups and write a short picture book. Instead, I got permission to work alone and turned in a 40-page mystery novel. It wasn’t until high school that I tried writing a full book (it didn’t work very well; I had no idea what I was doing), and it wasn’t until after I’d graduated college in 2007 that I managed to write anything longer than a short story. I haven’t looked back since. In fact, rare has been the month when I haven’t written something.

What inspired you to write your first book? 
Music. Before Borders closed, I was a supervisor there, and that required coming in two hours before the store opened. I had a habit of putting my iPod on shuffle and listening to music while I went through the process of opening the store. One morning, I happened to hear Mariella by Kate Nash back-to-back with Creation Lake by Silversun Pickups. The first was a story about a girl who’d voluntarily stopped speaking, and the second used one line repeatedly—“There are twenty-four parts in a day that divides me from you.” They specified parts, not hours, and one can divide a day into as many parts as one wants. What, then, I wondered, what happens in the twenty-fifth part of the day? The whole idea for The Dream War Saga came by combining a girl who doesn’t speak with the idea of two people meeting in the twenty-fifth part of a day.

Do you write an outline before every book you write? 
When I first started writing, I was basically incapable of outlining. It’s a long-standing aversion, honestly. In grade school, teachers always tried to get us to brainstorm and plan our essays, and the act was frustratingly painful for me. It was the same in the beginning of my years as a creative writer. I couldn’t outline no matter how hard I tried. Planning has been something I’ve had to learn how to do over the years. Now, although it’s far from planned to the last detail, I usually have a much better idea of how all major pieces of a story will move before I start a book.

Have you ever hated something you wrote? 
Absolutely! Writing a book is a long process, and publishing one is even longer. Over the course of drafting, revising, editing, editing again, editing again, and editing again, I think there has been a point in the life cycle of every book at which I’ve hated that particular project. The feeling never lasts, though. Once the books release and I’m no longer able to work on them—even if I want to—there’s nothing but pride and accomplishment left.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? 
I always want to change things, which is one of the reasons I almost never reread one of my own books once it’s published. I can’t help wishing I could tweak things—sometimes little phrases and sometimes whole scenes. I think most authors are perfectionists at some level, and I’m no different. There are always improvements to be made when you have enough time to look back on a project and think about it for a while.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 
Although each of my series has several themes that I think are incredibly important, there’s one message I find myself returning to time and again. Everyone makes mistakes, and most of those mistakes are forgivable—and by that I mean we have to find a way to forgive ourselves for them. Points in my own life have driven the importance of this message home, because when I made mistakes, I committed myself to them. It took years in certain instances for me to let go of the guilt my own choices left me with, so now I seem to be working out the same lesson in fiction for the rest of the world to learn from, too.

Do you have any advice for other writers? 
Finish first. It doesn’t matter how long it takes or what method you use or what software you write on as long as you have a book at the end. Editing can smooth out a lot of wrinkles, but that process can’t begin until you have a finished draft to work from. Write, finish, and then edit. Don’t worry about anything else until you’re done.

What book are you reading now? 
I just finished Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire the other day, and it was fabulous. I’m also in the last fourth of Depraved by Harold Schechter, a non-fiction account of the crimes of Herman Mudgett, a.k.a. H. H. Holmes. Additionally, I’m listening to a dramatic adaptation of Emma by Jane Austen. It’s not my favorite of Austen’s novels, but the rendering of it with this cast is delightful.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? 
I was lucky enough to meet Jonathan Maberry at several events in my home state over the past few years, and he’s become a friend and mentor in that time. He’s got great stories, a wide array of expertise and experience, and is incredibly generous with his time and advice. Plus, his books are wonderfully creepy and brilliantly written.

What are your current projects? 
Another series is coming next year from Entangled! The first book is called PAX NOVIS, and it’s the first book of an epic science fiction trilogy.

Human colonies have spread across the Milky Way and have been at war for centuries. Everyone depends on the resources carried by massive Pax Class Cargo ships, the PCCS, including the stowaway teens hiding on-board the Novis. No one knows it, not even the stowaways themselves, but they may be humankind’s only hope when Pax ships start to vanish.


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