The Harvest Ridge Series by K.L. Ramsey Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Worth the Wait
The Harvest Ridge Series Book 1
by K.L. Ramsey
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Taggert Harrison knows what he wants, and he wants Piper Flynn. She is the most stubborn woman that he’s ever laid eyes on. He has spent the last year begging her to go out with him. Every Monday morning, for the past fifty-two weeks, he has asked her out only to be rejected fifty-two times. He wants to give up, but he knows how good it could be, if he could just tear down her walls. Will Tag be able to help Piper get over her painful past to move on to a future with him?

Piper Flynn witnessed the horrific murders of her parents when she was just twelve. She grew up isolated and afraid to let anyone get too close to her for fear of losing them. When Tag asks her out, everything in her wants to tell him yes, but her past ghosts keep her from taking what she wants. Tag could be her first, in every way, if she could just free her heart from the walls that she has carefully built up around it.

“I get it, being here with me isn’t what you signed up for. Honestly Piper, you are just proving my point for me.” Tag was pretending to busy himself with clues around the room, but Piper could tell that he was only going through the motions. What do you mean, I’m proving your point?” She grabbed Tag’s hand as he tried to pass her, effectively stopping him in front of her. Without his jacket, she noticed his tattoo sleeve that circled his lower arm. It was a scene of a forest with snowcapped mountains in the background. It encircled his entire forearm and seemed to perfectly fit who Tag was. He gently pulled his hand from her grasp, “What I mean, honey, is that you have made your point. It may have taken me an entire year to catch on, but I get it. You’re just not into me. Message received, loud and clear.”  Piper could hear her own breath catch. How could Tag think that she wasn’t into him? Just looking at him made her body react like it never had before. For so long, she’d wanted to just tell him that she’d go out with him, but she was also so afraid. She couldn’t let herself suffer another loss. She wasn’t strong enough. She guarded her heart like a sentry standing watch. She knew her limits and Tag pushed every one of them. How can you think that I’m not into you? You own a mirror, right?” Piper felt her own smile, unfortunately, Tag didn’t return her humor. This has nothing to do with the way that I look. You have turned me down fifty-two times.” She cringed at Tag’s words. “I like you Piper. I thought that you might like me too, but I guess I was wrong.” Piper could feel her head shaking, denying his words. “You don’t have to deny the truth. I was there every Monday, when I asked you out and you politely smiled and turned me down.” You just don’t understand, Tag. I can’t let you in. If you tear down my walls, what will I have left?” She felt her hot tears running down her face and she crudely wiped them with her shirt sleeve. Tag put down the clue that he was working on and moved slowly across the room to where Piper sat. Piper, you would have someone who cares about you. You would have a partner, maybe even love. But you will never find out what you could have if you don’t let me in. Just give me a chance, that’s all I’m asking.” Tag wiped away her tears with his thumbs, pulling her in to gently kiss her lips. Piper froze, not knowing what to do next. A part of her wanted to see where this all led but her brain was overloading her emotions. She pulled away from the kiss, “Tag, I can’t.” 
The Christmas Wedding
The Harvest Ridge Series Book 2

Lorna Sanders stepped up to raise her niece, after her sister and brother-in-law’s tragic deaths. She never allowed herself to dream that someday she would have a family of her own, but meeting Jonathan Sawyer changes all of that. He teaches Lorna that age is just a number and dreams can come true, especially at Christmas.

Jonathan Sawyer’s job is to keep Lorna’s family safe, he never imagined that job would also include protecting her heart. He just needs to convince Lorna that wishing for her heart’s desire and Christmas miracles are both possible. Can Sawyer’s plan, for a Christmas wedding be enough to show her that it’s never too late to find happily ever after? 

She padded down the stairs as quietly as she could, to find all the lights out. Sawyer must have gone to bed after cleaning up the kitchen. She felt a pang of guilt for ruining his surprise dinner. She turned to go back up the steps and ran into a wall of hot, chiseled abs and chest muscles—Sawyer. She placed her palms on his pecs, trying to steady herself, but the feel of his bare skin only knocked her off balance again. He wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her into his. You okay, Lorna?” Sawyer’s voice sounded gruff and sexy, like he’d just woken up. She tried to pull herself free from his hold, but he only tightened his arms around her waist. Yes, I’m fine.” She didn’t mean to sound so put off, but she did. She gave up struggling in his arms and decided just to enjoy it. She hadn’t been this close to Sawyer in months and her body was feeling tingly and overheated by his proximity. How did this man make her feel like a walking volcano every time he touched her? I couldn’t sleep. I needed to talk to you.” Her voice sounded breathy and needy, even to her own ears. I couldn’t sleep either. I’m going to do something that you might not like, but…” Sawyer pulled her in and sealed his lips over hers. At first, her body went rigid, not knowing if she should fight him off or just enjoy the pleasure he was giving her. Having Jonathan Sawyer wrapped around her body, kissing her, wasn’t really a hardship.
She decided to give into what her body was screaming for, melting into his embrace and parting her lips to allow him access. His greedy tongue took over and the kiss went from hot to scorching in thirty seconds flat. The man took her willingness as an invitation to push her up against the wall, framing her small body with his hot, mostly naked, muscled one. She couldn’t help but run her hands down his chest and abdomen to his waist. Her fingers teased the tops of his boxer briefs, wanting so badly to dip down into them. He moaned against her mouth, taking her hands in his to halt their progress. As much as I like the way you are thinking, I’ve got a few things to say first.” Lorna was panting as he let her fall back against the wall. She should have felt embarrassed about the whole situation, but she didn’t. She was hot and bothered, in a good way, and completely turned on. She didn’t want him to stop touching her and kissing her to talk. Talking could wait. Besides, they would probably end up fighting and he would never finish what he started.
He took her hand and pulled her into the kitchen. Sit,” he commanded, pulling out a chair for her. Lorna didn’t care to put up a struggle. He had completely stripped her of any fight that she had left. He pulled the pan of lasagna from the refrigerator and filled two plates. He lit the candles that were on the table and poured them both a glass of wine. So, we are going to sit here and have dinner, in our underwear.” Lorna looked him up and down, her eyes resting on his rather impressive bulge that told her she affected him more than he was letting on. Well, we could eat naked, but I don’t think that would be a good idea. You must be starving after your long day. So, food first, then we can discuss you getting naked.”

K. L. Ramsey was born and raised in Maryland. As a child she struggled in school, having to attend speech and reading therapy. Her teacher told her that she would never be a very good reader; that English was just not her thing. She continued to struggle until eleventh grade, when she signed up for a Creative Writing class. Her high school teacher saw her potential and submitted a short story, that K. L. had written for class, to a local literary publication. The story was not only published but won an award for best short story. Knowing that someday she wanted to become a writer, K. L. received her BA in English from Salisbury State University.

K. L. Ramsey currently resides in West Virginia (Go Mountaineers!). She lives with hunky scientist, two now not so little people, and six fur babies. In her spare time, she likes to read romance novels, attend WVU football games and drink wine with girlfriends.

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Describe yourself in 5 words or less! 
I always hate this question! Loyal, loving, honest (to a fault), compassionate, and a little neurotic. 

When did you first consider yourself a writer? 
When my first book came out, February 22, 2018- Love Times Infinity (Relinquished Book 1) popped my author cherry! 

Do you have a favorite movie? 

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie? 
Honestly, any of the Harvest Ridge novels would make great movies. I've even thrown in a Christmas novella (The Christmas Wedding Book 1.5), just in case Hallmark Channel comes knocking.

What literary pilgrimages have you gone on? 
I've been to Norah Roberts book store, Turn the Page Bookstore, in Boonsboro, MD. And, I may or may not have some totally exciting news to announce about that same bookstore, here soon! 

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? 
Um, a cat. I only say this because I have 4 of my own and my daughter brought 2 with her. One is a rambunctious 8-month-old kitten that I'd like to strangle most mornings, but he's so darn cute. 

What inspired you to write this book? 
Worth the Wait (Harvest Ridge book 1) was just a whisper in my imagination until I took a trip to Colorado in 2017. My husband was on business out there and convinced me to go out, for a few days. I explored off the grid towns and met people that I just fell in love with. The ice cream shop and bakery, in the story, actually exists in one of my favorite little spots and I had to write them. I don't tell many people this, but Piper Flynn's character is the most like me, that I've ever written. What can we expect from you in the future? Lots more Harvest Ridge books, with BVS publishing! The series has literally just begun, with the release of Worth the Wait and The Christmas Wedding. Expect more from that little town, in 2019! I have a new series that I've been working on, called The Last First Kiss Series. Book one, Theirs to Keep will hopefully be coming soon. It will also be a multi book series. They are all maage books and they've been lots of fun to write! I also write for Crave Publishing and was in the Crave Forbidden anthology and will also be in another anthology called, Getting Schooled, which will be release in January 2019.

Book 1 the Relinquished series is now available on Kindle Unlimited!!

Get it HERE!
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