A Scientist's Remorse by Ceara Comeau Book Tour and Giveaway :)

A Scientist's Remorse
Prequel to Memories of Chronosalis
by Ceara Comeau
Genre: Science Fantasy

Darmentraea became a prison, Galaseya a thriving Utopia; Diraetus finally found peace, and Heirsha provided healing to all. Amber and her friends had adjusted to their new roles in life when an unexpected surprise appeared on Heirsha--A secret truth. One that could shed light on the mysteries surrounding the immortal families.

Why so much bitterness? What happened between Jermiar and Huntinylar? What secrets does Marsacor conceal behind his coarse exterior? Who is the mysterious family member that no one seems to want to talk about? And why were both families plagued by constant tragedy? One answer--Khyra Crawford.

Two thousand years before Amber's story began, Khyra was a brilliant young environmental scientist who wanted her world to be clean from man's pollution. Her father, a world-renowned chemist, had an idea of his own and created a devastating chemical that nearly exterminated all of mankind. She fought hard to repair the damages her father created. Not to mention take back her life from the one that his transgressions against humanity made for her. But in doing so, she found herself dragged into a web of lies, danger, and otherworldly chaos, and a destiny that wasn't hers to alter.

This is the REAL story, one that should have never been told.


Only three percent of the world’s population remained by February 21, 2012. Parks were empty. Playground equipment lay rusting in their wake, waiting for the children that would never come. Restaurants too, lay barren, except for the occasional rodent feasting on the rotting food in the kitchens or human remains. Those who were still alive left store shelves empty, yet another sign of fleeting hope. The major news stations remained in operation until reporters began dying onscreen. And just when life couldn’t get worse, it did. The world’s leading authorities, or what remained of them, banded together and formed what they called The Great Merge. Soundlessly, we rose high into the sky, the Beacon in its entirety looming below. My eyes widened at the sight as we continued to rise. From the sky, the structure looked like a beetle, with three protruding pods on the outermost parts of each “wing.” The front had a massive round window, which I assumed to be another science lab, but the top metal part of the container formed into an arrow with a jagged center. Strange, glowing blue lines connected the inner parts of the arrow, forming a woven pattern that was mesmerizing. Looking back, Emrys intentionally lingered over the Beacon so I could get a better view as to what it was. I looked at him as he smiled down on this monstrosity as if it were his most prized possession. Then he shifted the hover vehicle into gear, and we soared over the desolate land until the Beacon was no larger than a thumbnail. Emrys stopped the vehicle on the ocean’s edge and directed my attention to a beautiful polar bear and her cubs playing on a distant ice shelf. He flipped a few switches and put the vehicle in idle mode. We peacefully hovered, watching what were possibly the last remnants of nature. My mortal life may have been done, but my immortal life had just begun. It’s at this part of the story that Amber’s family rose up. But it didn’t have to be them. Emrys’s and Dmitriy’s line branched out wide. Anyone could have been the three people from my vision. But I began relying on these apparitions so much that they were no longer prophetic but self-fulfilling. See, I enlisted an innocent family in a war that wasn’t exactly theirs to fight. All because of a vague assumption that Emrys might be alive after it was all over.

Memories of Chronosalis
by Ceara Comeau

It’s one thing to read about heroes saving worlds in far off galaxies, but to become one is an entirely different story. Sixteen-year-old Amber Oak wanted nothing more than to stay in her own world of music and solitude. But the inhabitants of Galaseya, a Utopian planet rooted in the past, had other ideas in mind. According to them, only she wielded the power to stop the dark forces threatening their home. At first, Amber sympathized with the planet, but saw no reason to involve herself in the affairs of something outside her world. But the stakes have risen when she discovers that Galaseya is not only the world that has been invading her dreams, but also the place her estranged family originated from. With this new knowledge, questions began to surface and secrets of Amber’s life come to light causing her to second guess everything she knows.

“We need to go home. It’s not safe here anymore, the Brothers will only be held back for so long before they find a way to us,” he said as he stopped to pull back the drawn curtain and peer out the window. Amber heard some muttering coming from the other end of the phone, and the voice sounded male, but she couldn’t make out any words. Chris interrupted the person as he said hurriedly, “No, I don’t know what they’re planning, but I’d rather not stay around to find out. Please, she’d be safer in Galaseya.” The voice on the other end responded, as Chris’ pace quickened with every second. His brow furrowed as his expression grew serious. When he spoke, his tone flat, “What do you mean, what’s wrong?” Amber continued watching her brother go from determined to despair in a matter of seconds as he moved away from the window and plopped down on the couch. With his phone to his ear and his other arm resting on his knee cradling his head, he asked “How is this possible? We…I thought we got rid of her years ago!” Got rid of her? What kind of a family am I in? thought Amber as she adjusted her position. She waited for Chris’ back to turn before dashing toward the front door. Hoping to make more sense of the conversation, she stayed a while longer waiting for Chris to speak. “Well, this changes things,” continued Chris, trying to stifle his growing frustration, “Amber will eventually have to return home and probably sooner than we expected. Please, dad, you must do something. I don’t want her coming home to a bloodbath.”

I've been writing stories since I can remember. Stories, I thought, were just for children my age and I did not think they would go far. At fifteen years old, I was proven wrong. My parents took a look at my stories and saw something in them that I could not see. They saw the potential of a good book, or two! 

With my Dad as the editor and my Mom doing the formatting, we self-published these books. I did not think anyone, other than my family, would want to read the ramblings of a young teenager. When we published "Amber Oak Mysteries Volume 1" and "Adventures of the Young and Curious," I was fifteen years old, then the unexpected happened. People would write to me and they told me how much they loved my books.

During the time, when I was seventeen, I stopped writing. I lost faith in myself and my ability to write. But , my mom suggested that we publish my third book, for it had been sitting on the shelf for about two years. She thought it would be good to get it out there, before I started college. I did not see what harm it could do, so my third book, "Amber Oak Mysteries Volume 2" was published. In 2012 I published "Amber Oak and the Missing Links". I went on to publish "Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions". In 2015 I published something different call "The Lost Journal of Erika Traynor". These is currently available on lulu.com, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

Recently I realized I needed to go back and redo the original Amber Oak Mystery series. It had potential, but I knew I could do better. It will be different than the originals as it focuses more on science fiction and fantasy rather than mystery. The title of the book is "Memories of Chronosalis". 

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