Welcome to the Release Day Celebration for Metl: The ANGEL Weapon by Scott Wilson!

Welcome to the Release Day Celebration for

Metl: The ANGEL Weapon by Scott Wilson

presented by Month9Books.


Thirteen-year-old Caden Aire spends his days working in the fields and his nights sleeping in a horse stable, all under the watch of Metl—Earth's mysterious and artificial second moon, a looming relic of humanity's lost era.

But Caden's simple life changes when one night, a fiery red X suddenly appears on Metl's surface, and the same red Xs start glowing on his palms.

Now Caden must find the only person who knows what's happening to him, but he doesn't have much time. Metl has started on an impact course with Earth, and to stop it, Caden will have to face both the unsettling truth about his world … and about himself.

Metl: The Angel Weapon by Scott Wilson
Publication Date: March 5, 2019
Publisher: Month9Books

There were only two things Nobodies were afraid of at the Home: never being adopted, and Mother Mildred’s medical bag.

“Please have mercy on us all, O Great Gotama in the sky.

And guide our souls to Metl, on the day when we do die.

We beg of you to please forgive the sinners of the past,

In return we will devote our lives to everything you’ve asked.

To worship, work, and rule using legs that we are granted,

To create, serve, and love using arms with purpose planted.”

Caden forced a smile. He pet Deber’s warm, velvety nose, and she gave a happy neigh. Unlike Mara and Reabon who had been at the Home since before Caden arrived, Deber had only been there for eight years, ever since Caden started living in and running the stable. As far as Deber was concerned, Caden was her mom, master, and best friend all rolled into one.

It was a spider. A metal spider with a spherical body the size of Caden’s head, and legs as long as tree branches. It looked up at him with seven glowing red eyes and twitching mandibles.

“Hello, Caden,” the spider said in a distorted voice. “I am here to inform you that you are going to destroy the world.”

“You said I was going to destroy the world?”

“Correct, I did say that.”


“I said it by accessing my vocal programming and then—”

“No, I don’t mean how did you say it.” Caden was reaching the end of his patience. “How will I destroy the world?”

The first time Caden put a stick in his mouth and tasted the dirt and bark was the first time he thought maybe he’d made a mistake.

“Who are the Twelve Apostles?” Caden blurted out. Jadice sighed.

“It’s, uh, really kind of a long story. Can we talk about it somewhere else, where the people are a little less … murder-y?”

“You.” Jadice brandished a finger at Annika. “I’m trying to explain stuff here, and explaining stuff isn’t my strongest suit—killing is. So, unless you want me to stop explaining and start killing, how about you shut it until I’m done?”

“Don’t you ‘but Daddy’ me, young man! If I hear about one more hand-chopping incident, then I’m taking away your DVD player. And you know what that means: no more Star Trek!”

“No, Daddy, please!” Evan begged. “Those are my history lessons!”

Whether someone is ‘good’ or ‘evil’ has nothing to do with what they do. All that matters is what side they’re on, and whether or not it’s the same side as you.

No one ever wakes up and thinks, ‘I’m going to be evil today.’ Everyone just wants to stay alive and be happy. They want to be the hero in their own story. But, unfortunately, the hero in one story can just as easily be the villain in another.

Scott Wilson works as a translator and editor for the Japanese news-entertainment website SoraNews24. He runs ScottWritesStuff, a creative writing livestream on Twitch, and in his free time can be found playing video games and Magic: The Gathering with friends. Metl: The ANGEL Weapon is his first novel. He lives in the Japanese countryside with his wife.


  1. Hey thanks so much for the article! It's so exciting to finally share Metl with the world.

    ...my baby is all grown up! *sob*


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