Alex Conner Chronicles by Parker Sinclair Book Tour and Giveaway :)

The Alex Conner Chronicles Book 1
by Parker Sinclair
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy

Alex Conner’s memories of the vile man she exiled using supernatural powers inherited from her mother are all but breaking into her living hours, and nothing is working to keep her nightmares at bay.

Can Alex solve this mystery before it's too late or will she be the one responsible for bringing this horror back into her life?

Who can Alex trust and how is she to deal with the draw she has towards a new man in her life – a man who is definitely more than meets the eye?

Alex Conner: Witch? Healer? Both? Joining this powerful female character and a scooby-like cast including a seer, sexy book boyfriends, devoted best friends, heros, villans and monsters, and magical creatures. Enjoy the first book in this ongoing paranormal and fantasy series overflowing with suspense, steamy and romantic scenes, kick ass action, intrigue, adventure, mind-bending plotlines, and laugh out loud humor. Trust is a coming of age story about a young women who had to figure out her powers all on her own. The new adult tale will get you laughing, crying, while also being a nailbiter as supernatural powers and beings make this a page turner for paranormal, mystery, suspense, and fantasy fans.

Trust is a unique twist on paranormal romance, contemporary & urban fantasy for fans of The Hollows by Kim Harrison's, with the humor, heart, and horror of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the magic of The Weird Girls Series by Cecy Robson, & the science and world building of The King Killer Chronicles.

The Alex Conner Chronicles Reading order: Trust, Truth, Forbidden, & Only with more to come! Contains explicit adult language and scenes.

The storyline was brilliant." ★★★★★

"I ran the gambit of emotions with this book." ★★★★★
"Original and Captivating." ★★★★★

**Only 99 cents!!**

Journal Entry:
Being observant has been my blessing, my curse, and my destiny. My grandmother always told me that I was the most perceptive creature she had ever known, aside from her cats. This focus and intensity have brought about my ability—my power. I remember smells that would have been foreign to any other five year old, but not to the daughter of Stacy Conner. A pungent mix of bodily fluids, industrial drugs, suntan oil, and stale food. My mom was sprawled out on the floor, while a man I had just met, touched her roughly, yet it seemed that she found it to be in an acceptable manner. A bag of pills lay on the bedside table: red, blue, purple, white, green, and yellow. So pretty,” I remember commenting after I grabbed the bag and rolled it between my young fingers. I peered over the side at my mom as her pale blue eyes rolled in her cockeyed head, while a goofy smile crossed over her crusted, cracked lips. Her arm slumped away from her chest and blood trickled from her self-inflicted wound. I had come to expect this display on a nearly daily basis, so I turned away and made a slow crawl to the middle of my bed with my little bag of treasures. This vivid memory causes me disgust and a patient, silent inner sobbing. Regardless of these painful memories, my mother is still the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I assume most mothers are viewed that way. She lay there with her dirty blond hair tied back in her normal messy ponytail. Her beautiful high cheekbones remained, although her skin now held tight to her bones. When she stood, my mother was about six feet tall, usually dressed in tight short shorts, or jeans and tank tops with no bra. Her skin had a beautiful tone despite her drug-induced haze. Our blend of Irish, Spanish, and Italian ancestry mixed the darker shade of her skin with freckles in various locations, but I remember them most on the bridge of her nose, exactly where mine are. The Conner family is a unique blend that no one can really place. We get lots of stares, but not many questions. I guess the mixture of our looks and fear of the unknown lends itself to such reactions. I emptied the entire bag, and while some of the pills found themselves piled upon another of its kin, the unfortunate ones fell with their entire surface area directly on to the faded, filthy bedspread. So pretty.” I picked a few of them up, examining each one carefully before tossing them down to join the others. Soon, I was sailing them up into the air and watching them lose their fight against gravity, as they dropped back on to the bed with me. What a poor place to be, little treasures... you are trapped, just like me. Well, we don’t have to be bored just sitting here. Let’s try something fun. My head was turned ever so slyly, my lips curled in a delighted Cheshire cat’s grin. Above me, the little treasures spun in the air in a cosmic splendor of colors and a plastic-like glimmer all on their own. I willed the air to move and shift, lifting and turning my mother’s prized possessions, spinning them madly around me as if they were planets orbiting the sun. I must have lost track of time, or else time had ceased to exist, when suddenly I took a quick look at my mother and saw her face full of shock and somehow even paler than it had been before. As I lifted my chin in defiance, a pill brushed my ear. Mom gasped, and somehow, even in her drug-induced stupor, she managed to grab my face, the treasures falling all around me like dive-bombing tropical insects. Her beautiful blue bloodshot eyes focused on me as if to say, “Tell no one and never do this around anyone else again.” And I didn’t. Not until my grandmother taught me how to control my abilities and then only with her—till that day; the day I had to make him go away.

The Alex Conner Chronicles Book 2

Party time's over; now it's time to kick some ass.

Now that I can no longer deny my heritage as a powerful magic-wielding Earthen Protector and healer, everything comes crashing down around me. My estranged mother has enlisted my help in finding my Healer father; a man who was presumed dead since before I was born.

While I wait and train with Dana, the Mistress of Weaponry and Potions, innocent people, some who I dearly love, face unspeakable horrors. My small, yet powerful, group of companions confront danger head-on while we hunt down those responsible.

Is my father really alive and will the training prove to be enough for me take on new ruthless enemies?

As if the threats in my life weren't enough for me to handle, my feelings for two men have me torn and tempted.

"A suspenseful storyline." ★★★★★

"Original and entertaining fantasy." ★★★★★
"An urban fantasy with a nice punch." ★★★★★

I dread the question before it escapes my lips. “And the Healer boy? Did he live?” Her face turns to the left and a different low hanging branch becomes her left arm; I follow it to the end of her finger where a body lies in the distance. “I have stabilized them both; it seems their fates are intertwined for the moment—both must be saved or both shall die.” I shiver at her matter-of-fact tone. Although I know she cares for Vex, something tells me getting him back to her wasn’t easy. Terra seems slower than I remember, and she hasn’t flitted to any other place along the massive tree that is her body. Turning back to Vex, I send my power into his furry form, concentrating, and seeking out his injuries, to determine if I need to repair or remove anything. Shallow breathing barely moves his body in any sort of rhythm, and the fox’s heartbeat is faint. His mouth moves slightly and his nose twitches; it is obviously all he can manage right now. As I continue to seek out the source of his condition, my eyes focus on his fern-like powers trying to rise from his fur, sizzling bright red and burning away before barely reaching the end of a single follicle. Something is burning him from within and the closer I get, the hotter I feel myself become. Darkness combined with fire greets me when I get near his injuries, the ones deep in his mind. The red burn sizzles at his synapses and boils the chemical reactions; he is stuck in a state of lunacy, unable to break out. I pull on the fertile earth beneath me, preparing to use Gaia’s force in its purest form in Terra’s world. “Now, my dear, we save him together.” Terra’s wooden fingers entangle in my arms and hair and I am not prepared for the rush that comes through me. Pure, raw, Earthen energy sings through my body, as if rocks, grit, and sand are pummeling me. It is as if I am being blasted away and tortured from the inside. I push the pain away, trying to trick my brain into thinking it doesn’t exist, and concentrate instead on eradicating the flame within Vex’s riddled brain. There is no way he is dying on me. I had somehow deluded myself that he couldn’t ever die. That childish idealism works for me now, as I refuse to let go of the power while it painfully races through me, and redirect it into him, taking out the flames that are attacking the broken fox. I ease up slightly once I feel we have the upper hand, and pay for my mistake dearly as a searing, red-hot slap courses across my awareness, setting my mind afire for a moment. “Do not let your guard down again, Eila.” Terra’s wooden fingers yank back on my hair and she whispers viciously into my ear. “The fire will find your weakness and take you next. Then what will you leave me with? A charred feral Chihuahua? Bones and ash of a Healer boy, and what of you? A drooling and worthless heroine, who will never recover from her guilt and failure? Now, concentrate, even if it tears your muscles and breaks your bones. I can always stitch you back up.”  

The Alex Conner Chronicles Book 2.5

To be honest, my true power lies within my skills as a Seer. Alex says that my vixen skills are just “icing on the cake.”

Sandra is a bombshell. She also happens to be a Seer, and Earthen Protector Alex Conner’s best friend. When Alex goes missing, Sandra seeks help from the one person she is forbidden to contact.

Can Sandra, and those she used to be closest to, finally move past all the fear and mistrust?

Discover Sandra’s dark and hidden past, one that even Alex doesn’t know about, in this intense novella, and get a peek at what is in the cards for their future.

This story has action, excitement and suspense. It is about forgiveness
and the past colliding with the present.” ~ Amazon Reviewer

The Alex Conner Chronicles reading order: Trust, Truth, Forbidden, & Only. Contains adult language and situations.

Forbidden is a unique twist on new adult paranormal romance and supernatural suspense for fans of The Hollows by Kim Harrison; with the humor, heart, and horror of Buffy the Vampire Slayer; and the magic of The Weird Girls Series by Cecy Robson.

"Full of magic, demons, and mystery." ★★★★★

"This book blends reality and fantasy perfectly." ★★★★★
"Gripping story full of jammed packed action." ★★★★★

Even though Jax and I had always been close, the tragedy brought us closer while Logan inched away. Jax. My first crush, my first love, and my first heartbreak. “What’s on your mind, darling?” With a start I rise from my seat, peering around wildly, thinking I must have entered a vision. Jax’s voice fills my head and warms me as I brush some of my darkest memories away, along with a stray tear that I didn’t even realize had formed. My eyes focus on Jax standing no more than three feet away. He looks the same as he always did, but slightly more groomed in a button-up shirt and slacks. His top button is open and a tie loosely hangs in its place. He must have been at work. Damn, he makes a fine doctor. Jax is here, really here, and standing right in front of me. I take a step toward him as he closes the remaining distance between us. My arms fling around his neck and my lips crush into his without hesitation. His tongue seeks mine eagerly while his hands possessively grip my waist. It’s as if we never parted, that the damage was never done. The world drops away around us and I lose myself in our kiss.

The Alex Conner Chronicles Book 3

Sometimes you just have to keep your mouth shut and play along; the quiet is best for plotting, and I am getting out of here.

"This is a great high fantasy, sexy romantic read." ★★★★★

"Full of adventure, love, betrayal, and magic." ★★★★★

One would think the sassy, sexy hybrid Earthen Protector and Healer Alex Conner deserves some downtime after all she’s been through. But no. Instead, she finds herself trapped by the king of the Fae, and he’s not letting her go until he gets what he wants.

As alternate realities tangle her in confusion and bring her close to forgetting who she is and everyone she loves, will she unwittingly give the king what he craves?

If she does escape, will she ever pick up where she left off with her sexy Adonis Ryan?

And can she control the new power she never knew she could wield—one over life and death itself—or will she be entangled in a realm whose ruler is hell-bent on entrapping her and someone she holds dear, forever?

Only is a unique paranormal/supernatural romance & contemporary fantasy novel for lovers of the metaphysical, romantic fantasy, & elementals with romantic and dark fantasy elements. Only is enjoyed by fans of The King Killer Chronicles, Sunshine, The Hollows, The Weird Girls, and The Shannara Series & Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Shots of Four brings in a sensuous beat and my body doesn’t care who he is, only that he allows me to place my hand upon his chest and drag it down along his tight abs. My hips sway and we fall into a dance as if our bodies already know each other. Pulse racing, electrical jolts sizzle my skin as a drunken euphoria floods through me. He’s so close. Every working synapse in my being is firing in response to him, to his smell, and to the energy rolling off him. I’m nearly in tears with the ecstasy as we dance; our bodies become one and the music tugs and pulses throughout my core. Shots of Four are shamans in the dark wooing me to set myself free. Who are you?” I whisper into his ear. He feels warm, comfortable, and safe. I’m not used to feeling like this. You know who I am. Don’t let yourself forget those of us who can help you. Look at me, Lex. Really look at me.” Not fair that he knows my name, well part of it, when I haven’t a clue of his, and what’s with all of the cryptic talk? Who have I forgotten, and what help do I possibly need? Well, maybe a better entertainment scout, but other than that the club is doing well, my company is prospering, and San Diego is an amazing place to live. Regardless, I look into his eyes, expecting his gaze to simply make me weak in the knees, not hit me like a full-on Louisville slugger to the head. You know me. Don’t forget me. He’s trying to make you forget me, all of us, even parts of you. You can’t be found there when you don’t want to be. It’s a trick, Alex, a trick of the Fae. Remember me.”

Ms. Sinclair is an Amazon best-selling fantasy author with books crossing into YA epic fantasy, NA Urban fantasy, paranormal romance, mystery, suspense, and Sci-fi genres. Visit for FREE books and samples.

Parker gives credit to the development of her imagination and passion for writing to multiple childhood destinations lacking indoor plumbing. She would never trade the childhood her parents gave her, and she thanks them for raising her to have her own thoughts, dreams, and bountiful imagination. Oh and she wishes to thank them for teaching her that one should never leave their jeans on the floor of an everglades campground shower--lest she do the dance of the scorpions in the pants again!

Where were you born/grew up at?

I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but my parents were nomads for the first four years of my life. We bounced around a farm area in Colorado, to Santa Barbara, California, and then back to Kentucky. We stayed in Kentucky until Halloween of my 7th-grade year. It was a difficult transition for my 9th-grade sister and I when we were uprooted and moved to a small desert town in Colorado. We knew nobody, and we stuck out like sore thumbs, toes, and limbs with our southern accents, different styles of clothing, and on many deeper levels.

Yet, those aren’t the only places I grew up. As hippies, my parents loved to camp and live as minimally as possible. We would get pulled out of school, sometimes before summer even began, and spend months camping around the country, most of which was spent on our piece of land they bought in Montana. On these trips, we learned how to fly fish, white water raft, ride horses, farm, and how to protect ourselves against bears and other wildlife on hikes. It was a freeing and unique experience each summer that I will never forget. We weren’t allowed to have devices, sometimes not even radios when we backpacked into a glacier lake area. Instead, we made our fun by creating games, putting on plays, making phones our of strings and cans, and telling scary stories. My sister and I were inseparable, but when we did come across other kids, she’d shove me out to introduce us. Guess that made me social in a way.

As a writer, I can point to these trips as the main driving force behind my creativity, along with how we grew up playing outside and making our own fun. We only had one TV in our house, no video games, but plenty of books, art supplies and neighborhoods to play in. This led to creating worlds, to expanding our minds, and to replenishing the source of my creativity. I have beautiful memories, and now I’m using those to write wonderful stories.

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