Vor by Gabriella Clark Book Tour and Giveaway :)

by Gabriella Clark
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Betrayed by one of their own. The kitsune are being hunted by a group of humans who want the healing properties of their blood for themselves. Facing extinction, Alpha Daiji, The only nine tailed fox on this plane has gathered the last of his skulk together. They head towards the promise of a sanctuary. Fighting for his people's very survival, he never expected to find his mate, his Tsuma.

It was hard being The Vor. Leaving her clan had been the best decision for everyone. It was better to do it on her own terms rather then be forced out when fear got the best of them. It was all worth it though, when the most delicious looking fox she had ever seen crossed her path. Better yet he was her mate! Sure he was a bit pervy and might have a shedding problem but he was all hers.
Together they would show those hunters why it was a bad idea to tangle with the nine tails and the embodiment of spring.

***Unedited and subject to change***

“Is this all there is? Is there no one else?” his deep voice rumbled through the cavernous room. He sounded frustrated and angry and many looked down at the ground. They were unable to meet the golden gaze, signifying his age and power, as it swept across the room. There were less than a hundred kitsune gathered, many of them had defeated expressions. Some wore tattered cloaks with their belongs held in simple cloth wrapped bundles. Others were more richly dressed and had leather satchels with theirs. Still others had nothing more than the clothes on their backs, their thin arms crossed defensively in front of them. All had come since this was the last hope the kitsune race had. The call had gone out stretching across the globe, urging all kitsune to gather at the home of their alpha. He was the oldest, wisest, most powerful of their kind. Many had never before laid eyes on him, had only referred to him in whispers. He was a strict ruler but fair, but all knew he had no tolerance for those who broke their laws. For any kitsune who broke one of the few laws handed down, they were sent directly to him. Few wished that fate as those who were sent were never heard from again. He sighed quietly so that only those closest to the raised dais upon which he stood could hear it. The sound was laden with disappointment and an expression of grief crossed his face. It was there and gone so quickly that no one saw. He started down the steps leading to the dais, his arms folded behind his back. His broad shoulders were lined with tension, yet he kept his face smooth and untroubled. Projecting such an aura of calm competence that the gathered kitsune began to relax. Assured that their alpha could right a terrible wrong and find them a harbor to ride out the storm they found themselves in. “As you all know we are being hunted” his voice thrummed with power, reaching those standing in the furthest corner of the room “Our secret has been revealed and now our enemies are upon us. I have received word of a sanctuary for us. We will head there immediately.” A hand raised tentatively in the air, and the alpha inclined his head, giving the vixen permission to speak. “If I may ask Alpha, where are we traveling to?” “We are going to a place called Sault Ste. Marie. It is in the state of Michigan” “How do we know it’s safe?” a voice shouted from the back, the speaker’s face lost in the crowd. “How do we know it’s not a trick?” Alpha Daiji snarled in outrage, his upper lip lifting to reveal gleaming extending canines. “You will trust that I will do what is best for my skulk!” His power flooded the room causing all of those present to kneel in supplication. He paused for a moment before pulling the heavy weight of his power back into himself. “This sanctuary comes to us from the dragon Valen, my oldest ally and friend” Gasps swept the room before they were quickly hushed. Expressions began to lighten. While not many had heard of Valen the Alpha’s oldest ally, for weren’t dragons supposed to be extinct? Hope began to still began take root. Surely with their alpha and the mighty dragon they would be safe. “Now come my skulk. We must begin our journey”

Hey guys thanks for checking out my books! I'm a 31 year old caseworker from sunny Miami Fl. Adding his 2 cents to the stories is my 4 year old cat named Charles Whisperclaws. I love romance novels and have been reading since I was about 13. I started writing because one day I thought why are all the heroines always wondering why the hero chose them? Why wouldn't they? So I decided to fix that. Hope you guys enjoy the story!

What is something unique/quirky about you?
You can find me in an aisle at the grocery store doing the tootsie roll to the song that's playing.

What are some of your pet peeves?
Spitting it's just so...ew

What kind of world ruler would you be?
A total dictator, everyone must like pickles or face the consequences!

Describe yourself in 5 words or less!
sarcastic,bashful, bold, honest, blunt

Do you have a favorite movie?
A few actually. Resident Evil ,Speed and The Fifth element

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
A knucker!

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
Its hard to keep a good perspective on male characters. Often I find myself writing them as I would wish they would act or think. But as us females know, men RARELY do what we think they should. Also men think on an entirely different level then women do, so it's hard to guess what their thought process and actions would be.

What inspired you to write this book?
Well that's really my friends fault. She had sent me her current project since we like to get each other's opinion. I got so into it I was like hey! you should do a serial with the other seasons! and I told her my idea and she said that sounds great!...you write it though. Annnd here we are.

What is your favorite part of this book and why?
She winked at me saucily before turning back to the leader, her face hardening. Her eyes began to glow amethyst as gerbera daises grew throughout her hair. Yellow tribal marks began to appear on her body. Swirling across her collar bones and down her arms. Her body began to lift from the ground as she held her arms out at her sides. I looked down and saw that a bed of roots was raising from the ground holding her up in the air. My eyes traced back up her body to behold her in all her glory. Sharp three-inch-long thorns curved from her finger as poison began to drip from the tips. A slight breeze blew by carrying the scents of springtime with it.

that passage and what follows is my favorite part of the story. Its at that moment that Daiji realizes EXACTLY who his mate is and is totally in awe of it.

Tell us about your main characters- what makes them tick?

Well Alpha Daiji is the only nine tailed fox on this plane. He's very driven by the need to make his people safe and to eliminate the threat to them. He's a bit serious but his fox gives him a playful edge Navin is playful and enthusiastic. she finds humor in odd things and is a little quirky. She's also determined to her her mate in any way she can.

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