The Trail in the Woods by Stanley C Straub Book Tour and Giveaway :)

The Trail in the Woods
by Stanley C Straub
Genre: Science Fiction

Something or someone has encapsulated an entire valley on Earth.

The story begins at an abandoned overgrown trail with the scary name of 'The Devils Tail'. The trail lies a few miles southeast of Portland Oregon. The trail has been around for several years and has many frightening rumors associated with it about why people disappeared while hiking the trail. Two childhood friends get together and chat about the trail. One of the friends, Janet Johnson, an experienced hiker wants to hike the trail and the other Bob Wild is terrified of the trail and doesn't want to hike it. Bob tells Janet that the reason he is doesn't want to hike it is because people who hiked the trail never came back. Janet thinks this is silly and just rumors. She finally convinces Bob to reluctantly go with her on the trail. The two of them set out on a thrilling and frightening adventure of a lifetime. What they encounter changes their lives forever. The hike encompasses the interactions of people from two different worlds and the meeting of a Charles Manson type leader who thinks he is God.

"Not people?" Tom asked. "What are they if they're not people? Are you saying that they're not human?"
"They are definitely not human." "What the heck are they then?" Tom asked. "We don't really know. Very few hybrids have ever seen them. They control the planet and us. Actually, there is only one of them that controls everything and he's the supreme leader and his name is Tribulator." "Tribulator sounds like a strange name. What does it mean?" Tom asked. "I've never heard of it before." "On Cosmos, it is just a term for leader," Justine said. "His followers consider him the supreme leader. Many people believe in him and follow him religiously, however, others doubt him and think he is just a fraud."

Stanley Straub was a Guided Missile Technician in the Navy and worked as an electrical engineer in the Aerospace Industry. He is a master at crafting technical thrillers that will capture you and thrill you with his stories. Mr. Straub loves writing Science Fiction suspense stories and has been honing his skills by writing spine-tingling stories since he was in grade school. He has his own unique style. If you like reading suspense thrillers, then you will love reading his books. He is the author of three published thrillers, "The Killer Within", "The Segmented Tail", and "The Trail in the Woods".

What inspired me to write The Trail in the Woods?
After I finished my book The Segmented Tail, I thought about what kind of book I'd like to write next. Then, it came to me, what would be more scary than a story where people that hiked a trail never came back. So, that was the beginning of the book.

Who designs your book covers?
Except for my first book, The Killer Within, which had the cover designed by my late son, Donald Straub, I have designed all of the covers. It's a lot of work but I actually enjoy designing and making the covers.

How did I come up with the title of my first book?
My first book was The Killer Within. I didn't come up with the title for my first book. I couldn't come up with a good title. My late cousin, Carroll Sorensen suggested the title and I liked it.

How do I come up with the name of the characters in my books?
I just pick names that I think fit the story. If I have a problem coming up with a name, I do a Google search of either boys or girls names and then select the one that's most appropriate.

What is the favorite part of The Trail in the Woods?
I would have to say that the ending is my favorite. It's totally an unexpected ending and catches the reader off guard.

Is my book a must read?
Yes, it definitely is a must read, if you're a Sci-Fi fan. The story pulls you in and carries you along till you reach the interesting and unexpected ending. Along the way, you'll meet the two main characters, Bob and Janet who hike the trail and get captured and taken to the Valley of the Gods, a valley encapsulated in a dome. You'll encounter a terrifying greenish yellow fog and you'll meet Tom who is in an Insane Asylum in Oregon. Towards the end, you'll meet up with the Terminator, a Charles Manson type person who runs the Valley of the Gods and thinks that he is God.

What book do I think everyone should read?
The Trail in the Woods by Stanley C Straub

What do I use to write my books?
I use a desktop computer and Word software. I do my own editing with SpellCheckPlus. When I first started writing, I wrote with a pen and then with a typewriter but once I got over the fear of using a computer, that became my writing choice.

What's one of the hardest things about writing?
For me, the getting people to give reviews is the hardest. It's been much harder than writing the book. I've had people read the book and say they really liked it but they haven't written a review even though I've practically begged them to do so.

How do you promote your writing and your books?
I have a website that I use for blogging. I try to write at least one blog a week.

Have I ever gotten writers block?
I myself have never experienced it. For me, words just flow when I start to write. I've never had a case of starting to write and then feeling that I didn't know what to write. Maybe, I'm just lucky because I know writers that do get writers block.   

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