The Witch of the Prophecy by Victoria Jayne Book Tour and Giveaway :)

The Witch of the Prophecy
The Prophecy Trilogy Book 1
by Victoria Jayne
Genre: Paranormal Romance

The catastrophic prophecy is in motion, and Divina’s choice between her vampire ex-boyfriend and the wolf shifter she’s just met will impact all supernatural kind..

Divina’s had it with the prophecy.

Divina’s not convinced the prophecy is about her. Her manipulative vampire ex-boyfriend, Rori, is reluctant to give up his love for her to pursue the throne. Meanwhile, the wolf shifter meant to claim Divina doesn’t believe in the prophecy. However, he does believe Divina is his mate.

With the pressures of the prophecy and the most powerful coven in the present-day United States, Divina is left to choose between complying with the prophecy and mating with Aric—or leaving it all behind to allow the catastrophic possibility of supernatural beings getting exposed to humans.

The Witch of the Prophecy is the first in a Trilogy. Combining the angst of a love triangle with the drama of the supernatural and a splash of heated passion takes the reader on an exciting journey. The Witch of the Prophecyis perfect for fans of Charlaine Harris, L.J. Smith, and Stephenie Meyer.

Sexy and enthralling, this is a paranormal romance author you need in your life! Amazon Reviewer ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

You will enjoy this frolic into fantasy and it will leave you craving for the next installment of this sweet and sexy trilogy. Amazon Reviewer ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I finished the book in just under a day! As soon as I started reading, there was no way I could put it down.Goodreads Reviewer ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Out in the middle of nowhere, with no clothes, and smelling the equivalent of filet mignon, his wolf had set him up well. Torn between the desire to investigate the fragrance, and maintaining human societal norms of modesty, Aric lingered under the cover of bushes and trees. 


Metaphorical thunderbolts splintered before his eyes. Pain shot through his skull as he flew forward bracing himself on all fours. Aric’s hand reached to the back of his head protectively and to check for bleeding.

“What the fuck!?” he rumbled in confusion.

“Who are you?” a feminine voice demanded.

Lifting his chest, getting to his knees, Aric turned toward the sound of crunching leaves beneath shuffling feet. Blinking a few times did nothing to cure his double vision. He assumed he had a concussion. If he had been human, he’d be unconscious. The pain in his head throbbed while Aric struggled to see properly.

“W-wh-why are you naked?” the female voice questioned him.

Rising to his feet, Aric shifted his position, in an attempt to both hide the chubby semi-erection and to offer some modesty. It must have been interpreted as a sign of aggression.

Aric heard the whoosh and put his arm up to block the giant branch the female wielded as a weapon. The vibration of pain ricocheted up his forearm when it collided with the impromptu weapon. Aric howled and his eyes watered.

Aric twisted his wrist, wrapped his fingers around the branch, and yanked. It came loose from her hands quickly. He tossed the stick away and thanked his supernatural genes and the strength given to him by his wolf, who, oddly, pranced about within him with elation rather than recognizing the aggression the woman showed toward them.

“Wha—” she gasped.

Still unable to see her clearly, the blurry female form stepped back from him. Aric wobbled slightly and fell to his knees again for stability. 

Once his vision slowly returned to normal, and in the glow of the moon, he gasped when he finally laid focused eyes on her visage. Her high cheekbones, plump lips, golden skin tone stunned him. His mouth fell open. The mass of dark waves pulled into a messy pony shimmered in the moonlight giving her a halo effect. Aric felt as if he knelt at the feet of a goddess.

She wore an extremely large, faded, hooded sweatshirt and tight jeans. Aric lifted himself to a standing position on shaky knees. He stood several inches over her at his full height. His wolf howled within him while he fought the wolf’s urge to grab the woman. It did nothing to ease the pounding pain in his head from her attack.

“You’re magnificent,” he murmured.

The unknown female took another step away from him. 

“Uh, thanks?” she said.

Her pale blue eyes darted left and right, as though she searched for an escape route.

The throbbing pain in the back of his head dulled as he studied her. He absentmindedly raised a hand and rubbed at the place where she had struck him. The semi was now a full-on raging erection and proudly protruded from his pelvis as if to salute her. 

Aric’s face heated when her eyes dipped to it. Her cheeks reddened. She held a hand over her mouth. 

“Oh my God!” she gasped.

Her expression reflected panic. She bent her knees prepared to run. Her eyes sought the best escape route.

“No. Don’t,” Aric protested, surprising himself. 

She paused. The female stared at him, bewildered. 

He brought both his hands over his crotch. “Sorry.”

“Why are you naked?” she demanded a second time.

“Uh,” Aric stalled. For some reason, he didn’t think telling her he had just shifted from wolf to human form would be a good idea. Humans tended to freak out when confronted with creatures they thought were mythical. Plus, there was the whole death thing, if the council found out about a supernatural being outing himself to humans. They took that shit super serious. Aric liked his life. He liked it even more, having met this female.

The Wolf of the Prophecy
The Prophecy Trilogy Book 2

Who knew that one magical mistake would carry such dire consequences?

When Divina goes missing after Aric claimed her, the shifter has to call on his pack to find her before his inner wolf goes insane.

Meanwhile, following the beat of his vampire heart, Rori searches for her hoping to make amends. He wants to convince her it'll be different this time, and that she's his. But first, he has to find her.

Divina just wants space to practice her spells, far away from Rori, Aric, and the prophecy that brought them together, which they just can’t seem to shake. But when she makes a mistake and unleashes chaos, she has to turn to them for help in cleaning up her mess.

Rori and Aric must put aside their rivalry and work together to protect the woman they love or else lose everything they hold dear.

The Wolf of the Prophecy is the sequel to The Witch of the Prophecy and is the second book in the trilogy. It’s is perfect for fans of Charlaine Harris, L.J. Smith, and Stephenie Meyer.

Growing up on the Jersey Shore, Victoria was an insatiable reader. She adored getting lost in the worlds others created for her. During her early teen years, she enjoyed the works of R.L. Stein and S.E. Hinton. As she got older, she drifted into the worlds provided for her by Anne Rice, Suzanne Wright, J.D. Tyler, Joanna Wylde, Cherise Sinclair, Dianne Duvall, and Elisabeth Naughton, to name a few. These writers spawned her love affair with both the romance genre and the world of the supernatural.

Victoria started writing as a hobby while still in high school. Now her days are spent writing, enjoying time with her husband, and her two children. She still lives in New Jersey. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and New Jersey Romance Writers. Victoria is a New Jersey Devils Hockey fan, an avid SecondLife Roleplayer, and a Netflix binge watcher.

Victoria Jayne Interview

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?
Hi! I’m Victoria Jayne. I live in New Jersey with my husband and two beautiful daughters. I work full time in a cubicle from 9a-5p Monday through Friday. My children are 7 months and 2 ½ years old. They are the light of my life. My husband is a sports journalist. I became and author when I finally decided to commit to a manuscript. I’ve always written short stories, some erotica, and some other stuff, but I never got past the first draft. This time I did and I think it worked out well. The first time I really realized I like writing was when I was 16 and we had a substitute teacher for English. She asked us to write a short story in the 45min period. So, I did and I loved the feeling. So, I just went from there. I already loved reading so, writing seemed a natural jump at that age.

What is something unique/quirky about you?
I was in labor with my second daughter when I reviewed the cover of my debut novel. I was sitting in a hospital, my water had broken, and I was waiting for labor pains when I got the cover art and I could have cried. It’s when I really felt like I was an author.

What are some of your pet peeves?
People are usually my pet peeve. People who don’t listen. Specifically, people who don’t listen when they ask you a question or when you ask them a question. I absolutely hate when I ask something and what is said back to me doesn’t answer what I asked. “What time is the movie?” “You know, that movie has horrible ratings.” Cool. I didn’t ask about the ratings, I asked about the time.
Where were you born/grew up at?
I was born in Staten Island, NY and I grew up in Brick, NJ. I am a Jersey girl through and through.

What do you do to unwind and relax?
I enjoy doing roleplay on second life. I have several avatars that all serve a different purpose/role. My favorite roleplay genre is modern urban, and specifically motorcycle club.

How to find time to write as a parent?
It isn’t easy, that is for damn sure. I sneak writing in when I’m on break at work. I sneak it in when the kids are sleeping. My parents take the kids one night a week, so that night I do some writing as well.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I struggled with this identifier. Honestly, I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t consider myself a “writer” until I had a publisher interested in my work. I really should have much sooner. To be a writer, all one has to do is write. I was foolish, but I have since learned. I am a writer. It’s one of the many things that I am.

Do you have a favorite movie?
Hands down, it’s The Princess Bride. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

What can we expect from you in the future?
The Wolf of the Prophecy, the sequel to my Debut Novel, The Witch of the Prophecy is due out July 2, 2019. The Vampire of the Prophecy, the third and final book in The Prophecy Trilogy I hope to have out by December 2019. However it might be January 2020. I just finished the first draft. I also started drafting my own motorcycle club romance.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
The characters. I love learning about and experiencing the people in my head.

Tell us about your main characters- what makes them tick?
Divina is discovering herself. She is learning who she is in the world of supernatural beings. She’s a witch, but what does that mean to her? She has to figure that out. Aric is not as complex. He’s a wolf shifter. I don’t want to say simple, because he’s not dumb, but he is very singularly minded. He knows who is he, and what he wants. He believes he knows what his future is, he just hasn’t figured out how to get that to line up with reality. Rori is complex. He’s the oldest as he’s a vampire. He’s at a crossroads of what is right and what he wants. He’s looking back at past decisions and regretting them but they shaped him into who he is, and he is working on accepting that.

Who designed your book covers?
Cover Couture and if you are a writer you need to reach out. She is fabulous and does amazing work.

What is your favorite part of this book and why?
I love the scene with Rori in the hotel with Ines. I never planned on writing that scene. That scene was not in my outline. That scene flowed from my fingers all on it’s own. I have no idea where it came from but it’s just beautiful.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
Yes. I write a list of plot points that I’d like to hit on to make the story work. Sometimes they refuse to comply and other times they add plot points and I have to figure out how to make them fit. Like my favorite scene, I never knew that was going to happen. Yet it did, and it made the book better. I trust my characters. It’s their story that I’m telling, who am I to argue with them?

Have you written any other books that are not published?
Oh yes. Quite a few actually. They are the fumblings of someone who is learning how to write. I may go back and look them over, see what I can do with them, or I may just leave them on a flash drive to never be seen. They are either half started or first drafts.    

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