Valentine Countdown Blitz Day 2!

Rachel Rossano is a happily married mother of three children. She spends her days teaching, mothering, and keeping the chaos at bay. After the children are in bed, she immerses herself in the fantasy worlds of her books. 

Tales of romance, adventure, and virtue set in a medieval fantasy world are her preference, but she also writes speculative fantasy and a bit of science fiction.

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The royal wedding approaches and the country is alive with anticipation. 

 Among the craftsmen traveling to the capital is Constance Rendare and her family. An artist, a widow of an unhappy marriage, and the mother of a young son, she dreams of escaping the cruel servitude of her father’s household. 

 Wilard Naron serves the Earl of Dentin. He returns to the capital, his childhood home, to collect his earnings and finally free himself from his father’s reputation. 

 Kidnappings, bandits, and a plot against the king complicate the journey. The conflicts throw Constance and Wilard together as their circumstances grow steadily worse. The more the pair uncovers, the direr the future looks for the country and for them.

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Top Ten List:

10 Fun Facts about Rachel Rossano 
(In no particular order)

1.Diana Wynne Jones is one of my favorite authors. At least once a year, I go on a massive rereading binge and consume a whole bunch of her books at once.
2.Growing up, I loved dressing up and acting out plays. As a preteen, I directed three plays and put them on with my local homeschool group.
3.I took four years of Biblical Greek in high school, and I am currently trying to learn Latin.
4.Science fiction has been a major part of my life for as long as I can remember. Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate (all except the SGU series), Firefly, and Farscape.
5.I am a Marvel fan (mostly of the movies).
6.I have three children in scouts.
7.I am married to an engineer who comes from a family of engineers.
8.I collect dramatizations of Jane Eyre and Jane Austen.
9.From my teens, I have been completely fascinated with English history and studied the Tutor dynasty extensively for years. I still have the book collection to prove it. Since then, I have expanded my interests, though.
10.I enjoy watching, dissecting, analyzing movies and plays. 

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