Giver of Life Trilogy by Kristy Centeno Book Tour and Giveaway :)

The Giver of Life Trilogy #1
by Kristy Centeno
Genre: YA Paranormal 

They have a past. But will they have a future?
Leah Parker is resilient and hardworking. She’d always prided herself in maintaining a level head, even under pressure. Everything changes when she begins to see strange apparitions and hear ghostly voices on the morning of her birthday.
In a blink of the eyes, Leah’s life takes a drastic turn that spirals her into the unknown. Something is out to get her, but she’s unsure if she’s losing her mind, or the faces and demands of the dead are real. Unable to find the answers she needs, she has no choice but to rely on ex-best friend, Brandon Morris, for help.
But as she will soon discover, Brandon has his own secrets. Some of which defy logic and only add to the mystery surrounding Leah. And mix feelings between the two complicate matters by getting in the way of what they really want, and what they must do.
Can Brandon lighten the load on her by figuring out what or who wants her dead? Or will their past history get in the way of the storm brewing just beyond Leah’s grasp?

Fighting the nausea threatening to consume me, I made a mad dash for alleyway’s entrance. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I shrieked and sprinted faster, almost colliding into the thin man who appeared out of nowhere in front of me. I managed to stop in time to crash into him, but as soon as I caught sight of his profile I regretted not plowing right through him.
He looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. Tall, long, and lanky, with shoulder-length white hair, unnaturally pale skin, and eyes that gave the impression of missing irises, he was no less horrifying than the black figure I’d seen at the stairwell or the ghostly woman in my bedroom. He was clad from top to bottom in dark clothing, which gave him all the more menacing feel. As he stood, staring at me in a way that communicated I was about to become food, I could have sworn my stomach dropped to my feet. This was no ordinary attacker. He didn’t have rape or mugging in mind, but something much more sinister.

The Giver of Life Trilogy #2

Fate brought them together. Will evil break them apart?
Leah Parker’s visit to her hometown is supposed to bring her closer to the truth behind her identity. What she doesn’t anticipate is the handsome stranger with almond eyes claiming to be her Pair.
Her world once again upturned with the arrival of the man chosen to be her life partner, Leah is pulled between the feelings she’s always had for the friend she left behind, and those for the compelling stranger determined to save her from certain death—at whatever the cost.
With an ancient evil out to finish what it started twenty-one years before, will Leah find peace within her troubled mind and heart to fight back and win? Or will her disconnection with her newfound powers hinder her only chance at survival?

His sacrifice…is her salvation.

Kristy Centeno is the author of the Secrets of the Moon saga and Keeper Witches series.
She has always had a passion for books and after years of being an avid reader, she decided to transform her desire to write into a reality and thus, her first novel was born. When she’s not busy taking care of her five children or holding down the fort, she finds time to sit and do what she loves the most: writing.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!


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