Christmas Countdown 2018 Day 3 :)

Laura L. Walker grew up in a large family in the beautiful Gila Valley of southern Arizona. From the time Laura was young, she spent hours drawing characters on paper and fantasizing about their adventures. Life became more serious, however, when she met her own hero at Northern Arizona University and they later became the parents of six children. 

In between spurts of grocery shopping, sewing costumes or quilts, transporting kids to practices, and making dinner, Laura still enjoys putting her imagination to good use. She is the author of seven novels and three novellas.

"Nineteen-year-old Felicity Everstone is living her dream while attending college and serving alongside her parents in the North Atlanta Georgia Mission for the LDS Church--not to mention dating a charming guy who sweeps her off her feet. But when she is unexpectedly sent home to Idaho to care for her nephew through her sister-in-law's difficult pregnancy, and the friend she has been sharing the gospel with no longer wants to pursue that path, everything that once brought light and joy into her life nearly flickers out. Until she meets her good-looking but solemn neighbor, Erik.

Erik Cannon has already lost the love of his life. Now, as a young, successful businessman, making money seems to be his God-given talent, but he can no longer ignore the emptiness he feels inside. He needs to find purpose and meaning in his life once again. When his best friend's sister comes to help her family through a crisis, Erik's heart is reawakened. He senses this is a second chance at love for him, and that he and Felicity might be able to build a beautiful life together--until her old boyfriend comes back into the picture.

When darkness settles over Erik and Felicity's path, will their emerging love be enough to light the way?"

Q&A With the Author:

Describe yourself in 50 words or less:

I'm a little impulsive with the ideas that come to me. Sometimes they pan out; other times, not so much. I'm an introvert who loves being around my family--most of the time. I've also become a history nerd as I've turned to historical fiction writing. And chocolate--who can get enough of that?

What do you love most in the world?

My family and my Savior, Jesus Christ, whom we celebrate Christmas for.

What inspired you to become an author?

The dream of becoming an author resided in my soul from the time I was very young. I really don't remember a time when I didn't want to become an author. However, when I became a mother to some really rambunctious toddlers,
I thought that dream had died. It was resurrected when I realized I needed to develop other talents besides cooking and cleaning for a family. Although those are great things, I needed to do something for myself. Realize that dream!

Favorite Winter/Holiday Tradition:

I live in a desert, but we're also close to a mountain peak that gets snow. Every year right after Christmas, we try to go up there and play in the snow. We bring hot cocoa and our extended family goes, too. It's a lot of fun!

What is your trick for overcoming writers block? And what advice would you give an author who is struggling to tell their story?

Just start writing. What you write probably won't be publishable material at first. But as you get the creative juices going, you'll soon pull out of that slump. Also, read lots of articles about creative writing. Learn as much as you can. And keep writing.

Tell me a story:

Another fun winter tradition, if you could call it that, is that my husband and I got married at Christmastime. Since this also happens to be the time of year the last few Star Wars movies have come out, that's how we've spent our anniversary. At the movies. Watching sci-fi. Not even close to a romantic chick flick. LOL.

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