Christmas Countdown 2018 Day 5 :)
Peggy is a small town girl who loves the city and the ocean (and the mountains as long as she doesn't have to camp or hike).
She credits her dad and the lack of television in her parents' home for her love of reading and her imagination. She credits the guy who's been hanging the moon for over 25 years for her belief in romance and true love. Five wonderful children, extended family, and great friends keep life exciting.
Find a book you love and read!
"A Christmas engagement, broken two months later, rocked Candy Kaine's world. After months of a schedule crammed with college courses, a full time job, and a few side jobs, the busyness is wearing thin. But school is still top priority. Until a fancy resort threatens to buy the satellite campus in the small town where she lives and takes classes.
Jace Marlowe has been down on his luck. Can a temporary job for an upscale resort in his home town be the turn around he's looking for? The only problem? His grandmother's beautiful neighbor who wants to keep the school just where it is. If she doesn't get her way will she be as vindictive as his ex?
A charmed nativity facilitates the past, present, and future experiences for Candy but will she have the courage to open her heart before it's too late?"
Q&A With the Author:
1. Describe yourself in 50 words or less. I'm a small town girl who loves the city and the ocean (and the mountains as long as I don't have to camp or hike). I love crafting, reading, writing, rainy days, and jalapeno chocolate. Family and friends keep life exciting.
2. What do you love most in the world? My family. And unicorns.
3. What inspired you to become an Author? All the stories in my head.
4. What is your favorite Winter / Holiday tradition? Decorating the house.
5. What is your trick for getting past writer's block? And what advice do you have for other authors who are struggling to tell their story? When I reach a point where I'm struggling with what comes next, I ask myself what the worst thing is that could happen to my characters at that moment. Sometimes I write that scenario but even if I don't, I find that it seems to spawn ideas. If not, sometimes I have to back up a little and see where my characters have gotten too much of what they want too soon. My advice? Daydream.
6. Now that we've gotten to know each other, tell me a story. It can be long or short. From your childhood or last week. Funny, sad, or somewhere in between. Just make sure it's yours. What's your story?
For my special needs daughter who LOVES Harry Styles: (She gets a variation of this every night before bed)
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Mallory. She was kind and sweet and loving and had many friends. One day at school they were having a dance so Mallory wore a lovely red dress with sparkles. She had curled her hair and put on some lip gloss. As her teacher walked them to the gym for the dance, Mallory heard someone call her name.
<British accent> "Mallory!"
She turned around to find Harry Styles coming over to her. She was so excited she clapped and jumped up and down. Her teacher said, "Mallory, I know you're excited, but we need to bring it down, bring it down." So Mallory calmed down just as Harry got to her.
<British accent> "Mallory, I'm so excited for this dance party we're going to have. I really hope you'll dance with me."
"Of course I would love to dance with you."
So Mallory and Harry danced and danced and had a great time together. The End.

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Thank you! And good luck!