Christmas Countdown Blitz 2018 Day 16 :)

"Marley was dead to begin with . . . "
These chillingly familiar words begin the classic Christmas tale of remorse and redemption in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
But, what about Jacob Marley? And why hadn't he been given the same final chance of redemption as Ebenezer Scrooge?
Or had he?
Top Ten List:
10 fun facts
1. Ran into the Beatles in London in 1963 (I was 7). Didn't see what the big deal was.
2. Could recite almost the entire script of "Its A Wonderful Life" without prompts
3. Own a copy of every preserved movie/TV version of "A Christmas Carol" (33 out of 55 probable versions) - By the way, Patrick Stewart version is the best, with Muppet's a close second.
4. Started writing only 42 years after I decided to be a writer. I did a lot of planning...
5. Have visited Disneyworld with the family somewhere around 20 times.
6. Got emotional every single time I sat through the show in the American Adventure Pavilion in Epcot
7. Many of my favorite movies were box-office failures
8. Read five biographies of Charles Dickens before writing my story to help me feel it would be compatible with his way of thinking.
9. Kept a 1840 map of London, printed on 25 pieces of paper and taped together, on my wall charting where my story was taking place.
10.After trying to find 'hooks' in "A Christmas Carol" to tie my story too, I found so many I am convinced Dickens planned a sequel (which he never wrote)
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