Cascade Cougars by Tia Didmon Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Virgin Mate
Cascade Cougars Book 1
by Tia Didmon
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

Lucy Michaels, is about to realize her dream of becoming an international photographer, when an attack from a rogue cougar-shifter triggers her physical transformation to a species the world doesn’t know exists. As voraciously unstable appetites emerge, Talen Cascade, the sexy shifter who rescued her, embarks on a mission to integrate her into the ways of his clan and satiate her rising hunger.

While the rogue shifter continues to pursue Lucy, Talen discovers an unseen foe is hunting and experimenting on his species. Although Talen is convinced that Lucy is his true mate, only she can decide whether she belongs to him or the man who claimed her.

**Get it FREE Aug 27th – 31st!!**

Faint interest replaced some of the sadness. Beauty shone through her now curious eyes. “I could get photos no other photographer has ever dreamed of.” There are some amazing animals in the mountains, you will take astounding pictures. You just won't be allowed to take pictures of the shifters or the lair as our society has to remain hidden.” He realized his mistake as soon as he spoke.   Her eyes flashed with amber. The first stage of her transformation was close. “Allowed. Did you actually say allowed to me? Like I'm your servant? I didn't ask for this you know. I had a life before I met you. It may have sucked. But it was mine. You don't get to come and dictate to me like some kind of father figure!” She moved to get up. His cat felt her intention to walk away. It roared in his head. That was never going to happen. Ever. He was on her before she could brace herself. He had her on her back and was laying over her when she sucked in a breath. “My cat is dominant over yours Lucy. If you fight me you will find out what that means. I caution you to be careful. You’re not ready for what that entails.” He put his lips close to hers and spoke directly into her mouth while holding her amber gaze. “I’m no father figure, but if your looking for some Daddy Dom roleplay, my cat is more than willing to play with you.” He nuzzled her neck. “Pervert.” She snapped. Her scent thickened. An instant later her hands roamed his body grabbing his ass. His cock pressed urgently against her stomach, chafing against it’s confinement. His hands had barely slipped under her shirt when two lights flickered through the trees.

Enter the Lair
Cascade Cougars Book 2

When the huntress becomes the prey…

Sarah Marksmen doesn’t miss.
As a Park Ranger, she is tasked with hunting down the cougar responsible for multiple attacks and kills. She expects the cold welcome of the Cascade family when she arrives on their land. She doesn’t expect the blistering heat she experiences with Devon Cascade.
As dark forces converge to annihilate everything she holds dear. Will she be able to trust in a man who was forced to harden his heart, or will she be the catalyst that destroys an entire species.

*note* Although part of a series each book features a different cascade couple and can be read stand alone.
***Content Warning*** Intended For Mature Audiences *** 18+ Only

Heat seared down Sarah's spine as Devon's lips devoured hers. His hands held her neck. Though his grip was loose, nothing could have moved her. His tongue was gentle. Demanding. Insatiable. She fought the lust threatening to consume her. His kisses, a drug she could easily become addicted to.    Devon whispered against her lips. “You taste like cinnamon and honey. I will never get enough of you.” She clutched the front of his shirt tightly. “This is crazy.” She couldn't understand her attraction to Devon. It was intense. Her best friend was gorgeous and as much as she loved Gerry she’d never felt this kind of attraction. She was there to do a job. Despite her last name, she had worked hard to become a Ranger. She never failed in a hunt, always bringing down her prey. She needed to get her emotions under control. She was like a lit firecracker in a room full of explosives.    She tried pulling away. Devon's lips had her enslaved, her will slipped away as she gave into the sensations. His body continued to radiate a solid warmth that held her captive. His hands were possessive as they slid slowly down her arms and around her back, pulling her closer to him.

Hunter's Passion
Cascade Cougars Book Three 

Her experiments ravaged his species. He wants to ravish her.

Dr. Racheal Smith will never forgive herself for the experiments she was forced to do on the shifter races. She let pride and the discovery of a new species cloud her judgment. She won’t let it happen again in the short time she has left. She has a plan and not even the man who claims to be her mate will stop her.
Hunter has waited too long for his mate to let her destroy herself. He will fight for the woman who has captured his soul. While he can come to terms with her past he fears she won’t be able to forgive his.

A mouse nibbled the corner of Racheal’s granola bar before scurrying across the table.
She looked up from her microscope, rubbing her fingers to warm them before bringing the blood sample back into focus. “Where’s a cat when you need one.” How long did you think you could avoid me?” Hunter growled. She shivered as his growl resonated through her. She refused to look up from her microscope. Time was a commodity she no longer possessed. “If you're smart,” she said, “you'll walk back out that door and pretend you never saw me. The irritation in his voice was evident. “Not gonna happen sweetheart.” Racheal turned, taking in the sexy male standing with his hands on his hips. His dark hair and eyes, similar to his brother Devon’s. She had sworn that she would protect his species and do as much as she could to reverse some of the damage she had inadvertently helped orchestrate which meant keeping his species as far away from her as possible. “Who are you?” "Hunter Cascade.” What do you want?” she askedHis eyes flashed amber. “You.”

Shifter's Eden
Cascade Cougars Book Four

What is the price for love?

Fate left her in the hands of one of the worst criminals in the world. She has worked for him for years, completing every mission in order to protect the one she loves. Her next target is Brock Cascade, her final assignment. Her name is Jane Eden but to the underbelly of society she is the Red Widow.

Brock Cascade never expected his latest deal to include his mate. When Jane, the frigid red-haired beauty arrives to complete the transaction, he vows that nothing will stop him from taking what’s his, especially the woman sent to betray him.

Although part of a series each book features a different cascade couple and can be read standalone. Intended For Mature Audiences *** 18+ Only

A mouse nibbled the corner of Racheal’s granola bar before scurrying across the table.
She looked up from her microscope, rubbing her fingers to warm them before bringing the blood sample back into focus. “Where’s a cat when you need one.” How long did you think you could avoid me?” Hunter growled. She shivered as his growl resonated through her. She refused to look up from her microscope. Time was a commodity she no longer possessed. “If you're smart,” she said, “you'll walk back out that door and pretend you never saw me. The irritation in his voice was evident. “Not gonna happen sweetheart.” Racheal turned, taking in the sexy male standing with his hands on his hips. His dark hair and eyes, similar to his brother Devon’s. She had sworn that she would protect his species and do as much as she could to reverse some of the damage she had inadvertently helped orchestrate which meant keeping his species as far away from her as possible. “Who are you?” Hunter Cascade.” What do you want?” she askedHis eyes flashed amber. “You.”

Tia Didmon writes exotic paranormal romance and is happily married with three kids and one fur baby. While she calls Vancouver Island, Canada home. She loves to travel and can usually find a zipline along the way. She loves to connect with her readers as well as share her favorite meme's. You can check those out on her Facebook page or Instagram.

What are your top 10 favorite books/authors?
I have way more than 10 authors I love but here are a few.
Nalini Singh
Donna Grant
J.R. Ward
Thea Harrison
Karen Marie Moning
J.K. Rowling
Stephanie Meyer
Sylvia Day
Larissa Ione
Gena Showalter

What book do you think everyone should read?
Lord of the Rings

How long have you been writing?
Since I was a teenager.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?
Many side characters come to me as I write but the main characters are developed prior to writing the story.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?
Names, dates, places sometimes mythology or languages.

Do you see writing as a career?
Yes. I am working toward a full time writing career now.

What do you think about the current publishing market?
I’m a hybrid author currently. I have books with a publisher and some myself. I believe you will see more and more authors go the self-publishing route in the future. With big names like J.K Rowling choosing to self-publish this is likely to become a trend.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


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