Christmas Countdown Blitz 2019 Day 6 :)

Betsy Love has loved to write from the moment she could hold a pen and has been creating stories ever since she was in elementary school. Her high school creative writing teacher told her that one day she would be published.
It’s one week before Christmas, and she must find a mother for eight-year-old Emily. Not an easy task, since Emily’s grieving father, Matt, is not ready for marriage. He’s still bitter about the accident that killed his wife and handicapped his daughter.
When events turn Joie into a human, she loses her magic and must use her ingenuity to heal the broken family. How could falling love be the answer?
Joie hadn’t meant to frighten Adam so badly that he had sent his truck careening over the edge. Wow, she didn’t even realize she’d been invisible. Then again, if he’d seen her in her elf form, he might have been even more frightened. She’d just meant to whisper in his ear. Sometimes Joie forgot how loud her voice could be. When she got excited, she simply couldn’t help it.
Biting her lower lip, she stood outside the passenger door. There had to be a better way to introduce herself and explain her mission. Around her wrist hung the miracle bracelet Mrs. Claus had given her. Five charms – a snowman, ice skates, an angel, and a miniature snow globe, and a candy cane hung from the silver links. She stroked the snowman. Was this a good time to use one of the miracles enveloped by the charm?

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