Breaking Free by Debbie Williams Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Breaking Free
by Debbie Williams
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Chloe is from a rich, controlling family. Finally able to embark on life, she finds herself free from the clutches of her controlling father. Enter Kai, who comes to her aid when her car strands her on the side of the road. She just doesn’t realise how much things are about to change. A close bond soon builds between them, but deep dark secret ties their families together and threatens to blow them apart.

Will they both survive?

“WAIT! Please, I’m sorry. You just startled me and to be truthful you look kinda
scary in that hard man biker get up.” I couldn’t help but giggle at how ridiculous
I thought he looked with his biker boots and Jeans, but his voice sure sounded
good, even if it was muffled by that helmet. I looked again, and mmm mmm his
ass was tasty, especially with the tear in his jeans.
I watched as he lifted the hood to my car, never once removing his helmet.
Bad sign he must be really ugly underneath that helmet. My eyes were
constantly attached to that perfectly formed muscular ass. The way his hips
swayed as he worked. I swallowed deeply and told myself to behave.
Again, his muffled voice spoke, startling me back into the present. “Sorry lady
it’s your alternator, nothing I can do right now. We can call a garage in the
In the morning damn now what am I going to do?
“Can you give me a ride? I mean do you have a spare helmet? I really don’t
want to stay out here alone all night.”
What the fuck am I doing? I don’t know this guy; he could be a murderer for
all I know.
My eyes were yet again drawn to his ass, as he walked over to his bike and
opened the box on the back. My heart was pounding as I saw him lift out another
helmet, then turn to saunter over towards me. Handing me the helmet, he stood
and removed his own to help me put it on.
OH, MY GOD!!!! How wrong was I? He was GORGEOUS!!!!
His hand brushed my jaw line as he placed the helmet on my head. I took a
deep breath as a shiver ran down my spine. I glanced up into his eyes and was
met by the deepest blue I have ever seen in my life, his face framed by shoulderlength
jet-black hair. Angular jaw and whoa look at that mouth, his lips so
“There you go all ready, do you need to get anything from your car? I can get
you to the next service area where maybe we will find a motel for the night.”
I was trembling now as I had never been on the back of a bike before and had
never been so close to someone this damn hot. I straddled the rear seat and hung
on for dear life, what if I fall off! “Settle Princess, don’t hold on quite so tight
and just lean with the bike as we go.” His voice broke through my internal panic
like molten chocolate.
I squealed and buried my head against his back; this was amazing, the wind in

my face felt so good. Again, my life felt right. MY LIFE!!!!!

Debbie Williams is married with 3 grown up kids, a beautiful daughter in law and an even more gorgeous grandson.

She is a Fibromyalgia sufferer who found a new outlet by writing to help fill her days.

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