Not Far from the Peach Tree by Sabrina Falk Blog Tour with Giveaway :)

Not Far from the Peach Tree
by Sabrina Falk
Publication Date: February 1, 2019
Publisher: Peasantry Press

Anxiety has become the only thing Abigail Hartley can count on. Jobless, dreamless, loveless and stuck living with her parents—this isn’t the 22 she had in mind.

But when tragic news rattles the Hartley household and years of secrecy begin to surface, Abigail can no longer hide behind her fears. She joins forces with her sarcastic, pre-teen sister and heads to the only place that might have the answers she’s looking for. One month in Georgia is all it takes to change everything Abigail knows about, well, everything.

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Sabrina Falk is a Canadian Writer from Southern Manitoba. She received an English Language Arts scholarship at NCI in her graduating year. She is also the co-creator of Matt Falk’s Awful Podcast and played Melissa in the World Vision tour of POOF across Manitoba. She loves traveling all over the world with her family, but Southern Manitoba has always been her home.

Not Far from the Peach Tree is Sabrina Falk’s debut novel.


What inspired you to write your first book?

When I started, I was in that awkward phase of life after high-school—I really didn’t know how to ‘adult’ yet. I felt pretty lost, so I started to write about it. I figured I couldn’t be the only one feeling and thinking these things.

How did you come up with the title?

The book was originally titled “JUNE,” but a few days after my publisher (Peasantry Press) signed me, I came across a new release with the same title by a really well-known author. I didn’t feel right about keeping it, so I went back to the drawing board and I’m glad I did. The peach tree plays an integral role in unweaving the Hartley family’s past. And it’s not far from the peach tree where Abigail discovers who she really is.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

I would love for people to know that it’s okay not to have your life figured out. Life is challenging and messy, but there’s always a reason to hold onto hope.

What book are you reading now?

Dear Martin by Nic Stone. I am loving the frankness with which she writes—you’re instantly in the story just by reading a word. It’s eye-opening too. An important read for people from all walks of life.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Yes, but no. There’s a lot of things I’d wish to change because it took me five years to write it, so I’ve change a lot throughout the process. But I think my book comes from an honest place—I was a twenty-two-year-old writing about a twenty-two-year-old. So even though I wouldn’t write the same book now, this book has it’s own place in the world exactly how it is.

What was the hardest part about writing your book?

Finding the willpower to keep going, even when the rejection letters came. I spent years writing, the whole time wondering, is this even good? Then you get to a place where you think it’s ready to query, but then literary agents disagree in the form of rejection letters. At that point it’s hard to keep listening to that voice inside you saying, “It is good, just keep going.”

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I learnt that I can write a book! Sounds silly, but I really didn’t think it was something I could do. It’s such a crazy feeling when it’s all said and done and you’re holding a copy of it in your hands. The whole time I was thinking, I wrote this. I wrote a book. There’s just so much more in me than I realized. And I think that’s the same for all of us.

Do you have advice for other writers?

Keep going. Whatever phase you’re in—outlining, first draft, the millionth round of edits or querying—Just. Keep. Going. Your voice is worthy of being heard. You are a good writer, even if you’re not the best writer and you will get better as you go. Hard things are hard to do, but they’re the most worthwhile when you succeed at them.

What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological and logistical) in bringing it to life?

I’m actually a Canadian, so taking on a book that is completely set in America was a challenge all on its own. I’ve always loved New York City and Georgia (the two settings my book focuses on), but I really wanted to portray them accurately. So I had three Americans read-through and edit out my Canadian-isms, while making sure I was culturally on point.

Do you ever experience writer’s block?

Yes. All the time in fact. It’s the most frustrating part about writing—especially when you’re fired up about an idea, but you just can’t get there. In those moments I really had to fight the desire to jump on social media to escape. It was often helpful to look at pictures that inspired my characters and settings. It made me fall in love with the story all over again—which got the wheels turning again.

Giveaway Details:
  • $10 USD amazon gift card


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