The Sewing Sisters' Society by Ruth Logan Herne Blog Blitz with Giveaway :)

sewing sisters society blog blitz

Welcome to the Blog Blitz & Giveaway for The Sewing Sisters' Society, a collection of historical novellas by Ruth Logan Herne, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Sewing Sisters Cover 2 (4) Title: The Sewing Sisters' Society  
Author: Ruth Logan Herne  
Genre: Historical/Western Romance novellas
Release Date: January 22, 2019

Hattie McGillicuddy might not look like your typical matchmaker, but Hattie makes things happen in the little town of Second Chance, South Dakota. With the arrival of the railroad and official statehood, Hattie’s determined to bring brides west, and not just any brides. Brides who need the wide open prairie as much as the prairie- and the prairie men- need them! Three pioneer stories of unlikely love are woven around a little town full of homespun characters that take us back to another place and another time but with the same faith, hope and love we cherish today.

Macy can’t sew a lick, and she’s come to town with a sacrifice and a secret, but when Hattie’s first apprentice is attracted to the pastor of the only church in town—the man raising her illegitimate son— will the truth set her free? Or make her leave the town and her son behind? (The Pastor Takes a Wife)

Unjustly accused, Nellie comes west to escape the law. She has a way with tucks and gathers, and every Western town could use more tucks and gathers. She’s determined to improve the drab look of the prairie and manages to brighten hearts as well. But will her quick speech and firm ideas of women’s suffrage draw Levi Eichas closer or send the somber carriage maker running? (Second Chance Christmas)

Grief has robbed Ann Hazel, but when her aunt pushes her to go west and help an ailing Hattie McGillicuddy turn hems, Ann’s shamed into it. She’s managed to avoid life for awhile, but when Sol Eichas’s nanny comes down sick, Ann reluctantly agrees to help. As she winds her way around Sol’s heart and home, can the two troubled souls leave the past behind to embrace a future together? (Second Chance at Love)

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon


From Second Chance Christmas

He swept her plain dress a look and frowned. “I’d still like to pay for your ruined gown, Miss.” Not if it makes you grumpy.” To her surprise, he smiled softly. “Well, there’s that.” He lifted his shoulders. “I should try and do better, there’s no joy in grouchiness. Whereas in our brief meetings, you seem well-equipped to turn things around as needed.”
“I cannot fret about what can’t be changed, but in my head I see ways to change so much, and that’s reason enough to be happy.” A simplistic reasoning for a complicated woman.” His words struck her, and then she followed his gaze to her plain dress and understood the comparison. “Liking pretty clothing doesn’t make me complicated. It makes me feel good about being me. And when your work is with fabric and trim and lace, the best advertising is to wear something that looks good. Something I made.” You don’t see that as showing off?” She laughed and pointed out the door. “You have a spit-polished buckboard in the bay of your shop. Does it do you well to make it plainer than it needs to be, or does it speak well of your work for it to gleam in the sunlight? For the leather seat to be soft, and cushioned?” I almost don’t like that you make sense.” He glanced down the street, then back to her. “Of course a wagon must deal with a great deal of stress.” “As does every woman I know.”

From A Second Chance at Love

Ann should have stayed right where she was in Pennsylvania. Guilt, fear and sorrow made for somber seatmates as the dark train chugged west across desolate land. Beiges and browns mixed with hints of gray, and the three stretched wide in every direction, occasionally broken by claim shacks looking no bigger than the muskrat lodges in Crawford Pond. Quick tears stung her eyes. She couldn’t think of water. Of her home. Her old home, she corrected herself. Or her life there. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want… Well, He wasn’t her shepherd. He wasn’t any such thing, He wasn’t Lord, God or any other lofty name men of the cloth spewed. He was nothing. Nothing at all. Ann squared her shoulders and lifted her chin in anger because anger was so much better than all those other feelings combined. Anger was manageable, most times. The rest? She clung to her satchel and the anger, sure of both. She’d boarded this train at Aunt Jean Ellen’s insistence. Her maiden aunt meant well, but if it wasn’t for Jean Ellen’s friend needing immediate help, Ann would have stayed tucked in the valley, waiting for the sun to rise and then fall each day, an acceptable monotony. She’d go back to that soon enough, once she got her aunt’s friend Hattie on the mend. 

From The Pastor Takes a Wife

As he cut across the road, temptation pulled him in the other direction. He had to stop himself from turning right and walking straight down to Hattie’s place, because it wasn’t concern for Chickie that drew his interest. It was the wish to see what Macy was up to, how she was getting on, and wouldn’t that put him in a fine pickle? He’d been warding off invites and potlucks from the first day he rode into town nearly three years back. The minute women realized he was a widowed father, they set their caps to make things right, and by ‘right’ they meant a mother for his child and a wife for him. He’d had no interest, then. Now his awareness was piqued, but he made a firm turn to the left and headed for the church. If there was something to come from this attraction, it would come in its own time. Work, first. An hour later he’d written one foolish sentence five different ways, and couldn’t think of anything other than the kind way Macy took charge of Chickie the previous day. And there was the matter of her smile, soft and perfect. The sincerity of her words and the directness of her gaze. He balled up the latest sheet of paper, scolded his foolish extravagance, and rolled his desk chair toward the window. Bright sun shone down on the growing town, the summer heat moving the air in thick waves.
...and COMING MARCH 2019!

A Most Inconvenient Love - Front Cover

A Most Inconvenient Love - Ruthy's first full-length historical novel! 
Set in Second Chance, South Dakota (like The Sewing Sisters' Society)



Best-selling, multi-published, award-winning author Ruth Logan Herne is the author of nearly fifty novels and novellas through traditional publishers and her own independent works. She loves God, her family, country, coffee, chocolate and dogs, and wishes possums would leave the cat food on the side porch alone. And yet… they don’t. With over a million books in print, Ruthy is living her dream of touching hearts and souls by writing the kind of books she likes to read.

She lives on a pumpkin farm in Western New York where they grow all kinds of cool things for fall from sumptuous squashes and veggies to gorgeous stacking pumpkins. Ruthy’s farm is quickly becoming the place to be every September and October!  

CONNECT WITH RUTHY: website | Facebook | Twitter

Sewing Sisters blitz giveaway


(1) winner will win a 'books and chocolate' prize pack from the author (US only), including at least:
  • (1) print copy of The Sewing Sisters' Society
  • (1) print copy of Christmas on the Frontier
  • chocolate!
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight February 6, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm February 13, 2019. US only. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops


  1. these sound like wonderful stories. even a little humorous.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  2. This book sounds like amazing, thanks for the giveaway

  3. Poor Ann. She sounds like she is having such a rough time. I hope that story has a happy ending!


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