Don't Write a Crappy Book by James M. Ranson Book Tour!

Book Details:

Book Title: Don't Write a Crappy Book by James M. Ranson
Category: Adult Non- Fiction, 210 pages
Genre: Business, Authorpreneurship
Publisher: Master Wordsmith Media, in association with Thanet House Books
Release date: Oct 1, 2018
Tour dates: Oct 8 to 31, 2018
Content Rating: PG for occasional mild swearing (hell and damn, mostly, one instance of "shitty")

Book Description:

A great book can launch your business into the stratosphere. Unfortunately, most self-published business books rank somewhere between “meh” and “flaming pile of crap.” But your book doesn’t have to suck!

In “Don’t Write a Crappy Book,” editor and entrepreneur James Ranson unpacks the most common–and toxic–mistakes that first-time nonfiction authors make. Peppered with wisdom from a panel of industry experts, this book debunks the dangerous myths that can torpedo your text and offers clear, practical guidance for writing a book you’re proud of. This is the resource for the aspiring authorpreneur who wants to write and publish a book with minimum hassle and maximum results.

This book will teach you:

- How a self-published book can make or break your business (and the THREE factors that determine which it does)
- The biggest blind spots no one tells authors about (and how to look for them BEFORE it's too late)
- How to write a first book that will get positive reviews on Amazon (and why that’s a better goal than becoming a bestseller)
- When writing a business book is the right move for you (and when you should NEVER write one)
- How to self-publish on Amazon to actually get good results for your business (a lot of it happens before you even start writing!)
- What NOT to do when you’re looking for an editor (and how to find a great one)
- Why trying to write and publish a book in 90 days or less is a recipe for disaster (and why no one tells you that!)
- How to avoid do-overs, sunk costs, and other self-publishing headaches (and how to get out of them if they sneak up on you)

Stay out of the crap pile! Discover the secrets to creating a highly valuable book that will expand your influence and grow your business for years to come.

To read interviews and guest posts, please visit James M. Ranson's page on iRead Book Tours.

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Meet the Author:

James Ranson, The Master Wordsmith(TM), is a Wall-Street-Journal-bestselling editor, ghostwriter and book coach who has helped over 200 consultants, coaches, speakers and other thought leaders create high-quality books. Clients of his have gone on to sell thousands of books, receive book deals from publishing houses, and be featured in regional and national media outlets. In addition to his own clients, James is a writer and book doctor for Thanet House Books, and is on recommended professional lists for Scribe Media(formerly Book in a Box), My Word Publishing, BrightFlame Books and Authors Unite. His second book, Don’t Write A Crappy Book!, will be published on October 1, 2018. A graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, James lives in Atlanta, GA, with his fiancée and a very needy cat.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook


What You’ll Love About Don’t Write A Crappy Book!

The first thing you’ll love about this book is that it’s going to tell you things you don’t hear anywhere else. I wrote it to shine light on mistakes that authors don’t know they’re making, on areas of the self-publishing industry that are not serving business authors as well as they could be, and on the things authors can do to create better books that are going to help their businesses for years to come. Not only is a lot of this NOT being said in the industry, but a lot of what I say here actually CONTRADICTS what is being said. I’ll leave it to you to make up your own mind about what sounds and feels the best to you, but I wrote this book to help authors understand and learn about the things that most of the rest of this industry is not telling them.

Another reason you’re going to love this book is that it covers a lot of ground. If you have questions or concerns around what kind of mindset you should have about writing a book, there’s a chapter on that. If you’re wondering whether it makes sense to try to become an Amazon bestseller, I talk about that. If you’re looking for insight around book marketing, or you have questions about the difference between writing information and telling stories, or you want to know how to find the right kind of professional help to work with, I talk about those things, too. No matter what situation you’re in, if you’re looking to write a book that will support your business, your concern is going to be addressed here. It’s very much a wide-ranging book, by design. You may not need all of it right away, but it’s all there for you when you’re ready, and it will without doubt help you write the best book you can.

Finally, you’re pretty much guaranteed to love this book because I really enjoyed writing it. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile, The Black Swan, and Fooled by Randomness, said this about the relationship between reader and writer: “What you are bored writing, bores the reader.” And let me tell you, I was so far from being bored writing this book. I loved writing it and had a really amazing time doing it. I loved getting all the interviews, putting it all together, working with my editor to make it better. I poured my love and passion for this industry and this topic into every word of this book, and I loved every minute of it. By Taleb’s logic, that means that you will love reading it, too. So I hope you’ll check it out and prove me right. :)

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Ends Nov 7, 2018


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