His Everything by Mia Echo Book Tour and Giveaway :)

His Everything
by Mia Echo
Genre: Contemporary Romance

When you're the only girl growing up in a family full of soldiers, it's hard to find a date, let alone true love. Either your family scares the guy off, or the dating pool is slim pickin's because you know how a real man should act and won't settle for less.

All I wanted was to find a man I could start a family of my own with, but I never imagined how quickly I'd fall in love or how quickly I could lose it all to be his everything.

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    I stared at that damn bathroom door until she came back out, waiting for her to walk past me again.  The way she carries herself… confidence and sensuality radiates from her in the sexiest way I’ve ever seen.  I’ve never been so drawn to someone, let alone someone I’ve never even met. She’s mine and she doesn’t even know it yet. When she finally emerges, I almost panic as she takes a different path back to her seat.  Watching intently, I see her talk to the waitress before turning toward her table.  Several executive type guys are clustered around the girls she came with, flirting with them as if they are God’s gift to women.  What a joke.  More like a waste of space.  I could snap one of them in half with minimal effort and they’d never even see me coming.  They wouldn’t be able to defend themselves much less protect the woman they’re with.  I’ve never understood how men like that could look at themselves in the mirror every day without being completely disgusted with what they see.  No way is one of these panty wasters, man enough for my woman. As if taking my thoughts as a challenge, one of those fuckers approaches her.  I’m out of my seat and walking toward them in a nanosecond, ready to beat the guy to a bloody pulp, but then I hear her beautiful voice for the first time.  “Not on your life, pretty boy.”  Calmly, she turns to leave as if she hasn’t just made my night.
I think I’m in love. My feet move of their own accord.  I can’t take my eyes off of her as I follow her outside.  She knows I’m here, I saw her posture stiffen as she felt me watching.  Her steps faltering only momentarily, but she maintains her composure, never looking in my direction.  Keeping her head held high as if she owns the place, I realize, in this moment, she owns me as well.  Her hips sway as she pointedly ignores me.  With confident strides, she finds her car and climbs in.  Not wanting to scare her, I stand by the door, just taking her in.  What will she do next? Like a slow-motion video, she raises her eyes to meet mine.  My heart races and it’s hard to breathe.  I know she has the most beautiful emerald green eyes, I saw them as she walked past me in the restaurant, but to see her looking directly at me, even through the glass of her windshield thirty plus feet away, they are so intense.  I’m lost to her.  She could ask me for anything, and I’d get it for her, I’d do anything for her. Is it crazy?  Yes. Do I care?  No. She’s mine.  Secretly I beg her to get out of her car and come and talk to me. I get the feeling that she is contemplating just that, so I wait. Hours, minutes, seconds later, she shakes herself slightly before pulling out of the lot.  I let out a sigh of disappointment. Reaching for my keys, there’s no question, I have to follow her.

Mia Echo is an author who loves love. Strong women deserve strong protective men. Mia specializes in insta-love stories with an erotic twist that will tug at your heart strings and make you melt in the best ways possible. 

Mia is from a small town in the US and she loves to introduce you to new characters and their stories. Through twists and turns, and ups and downs, Mia proves that love really can conquer all. 
When she's not steaming up the pages of her next work in progress, she's spending time with her family and friends.

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