Love Lies Bleeding by Aspasia S. Bissas Book Tour and Giveaway :)

Love Lies Bleeding
by Aspasia S. Bissas
Genre: Dark Fantasy

What happens when a predator loves its prey?

Centuries-old Mara is dying a slow death when she meets Lee, a young man whose life has never belonged to him. Thrown together, they're forced to fight those who would destroy them and survive a slew of enemies they never expected, even as Mara falls into a downward spiral of delusion and obsession. Will she make a devil's deal to save both their souls? With pasts like theirs, can they ever have a future?

 Love Lies Bleeding: An Excerpt
Aspasía S. Bissas

Mara listened as Lee paused outside the door; she supposed he was waiting for a reaction to his abrupt departure. She didn’t give him one. After a while his footsteps moved away and she was left fuming. She wasn’t vexed by his lack of faith in her methods, but by his lack of faith in her.
She tried delving into her books and at least getting some work done, but it was no use. All she could think of was their argument, his stubbornness, and her own uncertainty about what to do next. Could she really leave without him? She hoped it was a decision she wouldn’t have to make, one he wouldn’t make her make.
Lost in thought, she wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she heard a scraping sound at the front door. Was Lee back already? She’d expected him to be gone for hours, possibly until morning. Maybe he was having his own second thoughts about their fight. She couldn’t hold back a smile as she threw open the door.
“I hope this means we get to make up n—”
She was sent flying into the wall.

Blood Magic
by Aspasia S. Bissas

Myth and magic collide in this story about choices, transformation, and retribution.

On the run from both vampires and hunters, Mara and Lee are forced to confront the bleak reality of their future together. But an unexpected turn of events offers Mara the chance to shift things in her favor--at a cost. Will she walk away or will she embrace the magic?

Blood Magic is a standalone short story that takes place within the novel Love Lies Bleeding by Aspasía S. Bissas. You don't need to read Love Lies Bleeding to enjoy Blood Magic (but it doesn't hurt).

**Get it FREE!!**

Blood Magic: An Excerpt
Aspasía S. Bissas

Mara thought of Lee, how adamant he’d been that he didn’t want to be turned. Right now he was holding her steady, keeping her from losing herself to the emptiness she knew was waiting. But someday his mortality would catch up with them and then what? She imagined the bleak centuries stretching in front of her once he was gone and felt her insides turn to ice, right down to whatever soul she had left. She looked at Trina and realized this was her opportunity to preserve a part of herself, to not have to face the centuries on her own, and also, perhaps, to leave something of herself behind in case she didn’t make it through the next few months. But not until she was sure the girl understood. “We’ll always be connected,” she told Trina. “Always be able to find each other, no matter where or how much time has passed.” “Cool.” “You might not always feel that way. Your life will never been entirely yours again. Over time that bond can become oppressive.” “I want this so I can be connected to something bigger, not to hide from it.” "All right.” “All right you’ll do it?” Mara hesitated a moment, then nodded. Trina grabbed her in a sudden embrace. “You will not regret this.” “But you might.”

Aspasia wrote her first short story at the age of six and illustrated it with a pink highlighter. She no longer does illustrations but she's been writing stories ever since. She lives in Toronto with her partner in crime, three cats, a plethora of plants, and a Disney movie's worth of wildlife in the yard. Her dark fantasy novel Love Lies Bleeding is now available in paperback and on Kindle. She is currently working on the next book.

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Guest Post: Movies
Aspasía S. Bissas

There are so many movies I love that it’s difficult to narrow it down. In the horror genre, it’s Alien (28 Days Later is a close second). For animated movies it’s got to be Nightmare Before Christmas. I don’t watch a lot of foreign films but I adore Amelie. There are so many I could mention in all kinds of genres. But my all-time favourite is Harold and Maude. If you haven’t seen these movies, I suggest a marathon as soon as possible (call it a mental health day). Basically if it’s quirky, complex, and a little dark, I’ll probably like it. I can see both Love Lies Bleeding and Blood Magic as movies. Actually, as I write I tend to visualize the scenes, so it’s not much of a stretch to envision them onscreen. Since Blood Magic is a short story, it would need to be expanded and ideally told from Trina’s perspective. A good soundtrack would be key. Sometimes I try to figure out who I’d cast in the roles but I never manage to come up with anyone suitable—I have a whole new respect for casting directors. I think Bryan Fuller could do a great job directing, though. Actually, he’s worked a few times with Lee Pace; I could see him maybe playing Nigel—finally, one character down!  

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


  1. Thanks for taking part in my book tour :) Good luck to everyone on the giveaway...


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