Fateful Justice by Sara Vinduska Book Tour and Giveaway :)
Justice Book 1
Sara Vinduska
Romantic Suspense
wasn't the first time Lash Brogan had aimed a gun at another man and
pulled the trigger. It wasn't the first time he'd watched a man fall
to the ground bleeding. As an actor, he'd done just that countless
times. But this time it was not a scene from one of his movies. This
time it was for real.
Lash Brogan, an Irish immigrant and one of America's most popular
movie stars, is kidnapped and held hostage in the mountains of
Colorado, it will take all of his strength and determination as well
as help from a beautiful stranger to help him escape. Justine McBride
is a reclusive physical therapist trying to escape the painful
memories of her family's death. After helping him recover, she falls
hard for Lash without considering the ramifications of such a public
introduces you to a world where fate's not fair, but justice and true
love are certain.
for future stories that continue to follow the lives of Lash Brogan
and his friends.
* Amazon

McBride breathed deeply, the cold mountain air awakening her senses
as she gazed up at the
majestic Rocky Mountains. Her feet sunk soundlessly into the fresh
snow. God, how she loved this place,
the stillness, the timeless beauty. Some
might consider her a bit of a recluse, living alone and isolated like
she did. It's not that she didn't
like being around people, she just preferred solitude. After all, her
few close friends were just a phone
call away and she had her work to keep her busy. That was more than
enough for her. The
cold air began to seep its way under her carefully layered clothing
and she reluctantly decided to
turn back. Something
moved at the edge of the forest. She blinked, to make sure her eyes
weren’t deceiving her.
The shape was still there. A wide shouldered man staggered from the
trees. Was he injured or drunk? She
stood unmoving, her heart hammering against her chest. She knew she
should turn around and run
back to the warmth and safety of her cabin, bolt all the doors, and
call the police, but something kept her
rooted to the spot. The
man was coming closer. He wore only a white T-shirt and ripped khaki
pants. There was still time,
she could make it back to the cabin, but she couldn’t make her legs
work. She
watched as the man fell to his knees in the snow and didn’t get up.
She looked around her, there
was no one else in sight and she knew she couldn’t just leave him
out there to die in the snow. He needed
help. Finally able to move, she raced to the spot where his body lay.
As she neared him, she slowed
and approached cautiously. At first he didn’t move, then he tried
to get to his feet. “Please
. . . hhhelp me,” he managed through chattering teeth. He blinked
several times as if not sure
she was really standing there in front of him. Justine
hesitated a moment, seeing the dried blood that covered the man's
face and clothes. What the
hell am I getting myself into? That was when she saw the gun. She
started to back away. “I
promise . . . I won’t hurt you,” Lash pleaded, sensing her fear.
She looked like a deer caught in
ready to bolt at any instant. Lash knew this woman was his only
chance at surviving, he had to make
her believe he wouldn’t harm her. If she didn't, if she left him,
he would die. And he'd been through too
much to fail now. Especially when his survival depended on charming a
woman, something he was very
good at. He forced his frozen lips into what he hoped was a smile. !13 Justine
searched the man's sky-blue eyes. You could tell so much about a
person by what was in their
eyes, and she saw only pain and desperation in his. She bent down and
put her arm around his waist, helping
him to his feet. “Can you walk a little further? My cabin's just
over that hill," she said, nodding towards
the east. “I
. . . think . . . so.” Talking was suddenly very difficult. Lash
tried to smile again. He could see smoke
rising from the chimney of the A-frame cabin. Smoke meant a
fireplace, a fireplace meant warmth. It
wasn't too far, he could make it. Justine
paused, something about the man's lopsided grin stirred her memory. A
fleeting image that she
couldn’t quite grasp. He
leaned heavily on her and the going was slow. She could feel the
weight of his shivering body and
knew she had to get him inside soon. She risked another look at his
face. One eye was black, his cheek
was cut and bruised, and his curly reddish-brown hair caked with dirt
and blood. But there was something
familiar in his dark features, and that accent . . . Irish. Where had
she seen him before? “Oh
my God!” she exclaimed as reality hit. Her mind reeled with images.
The newspaper and magazine
headlines Lash Brogan, Award Winning Actor Abducted! Snapshots,
clips of his movies raced through
her mind as she stopped in her tracks and looked at the man leaning
on her shoulder. “Tell
me you’re not who I think you are.” His
eyes, clouded with pain, cleared for a moment as he focused on her
face. “Depends. Who do you
think I am?” “You’re
Lash Brogan," she whispered. “At
your service.” “Oh
God,” Justine said, looking behind them, panicked now. Lash
grabbed her by the hand. “Don’t worry. The guys who did this
won’t be coming.” “What
do you mean?” “They’re
dead.” She
saw the truth in his eyes. He'd killed them. “Oh
God,” she said again. She put her arm around him again and hurried
as fast as she could the last
hundred yards to her cabin. She took one last look behind them and
saw with relief that the blowing wind had covered their tracks in the
Justice Book 2
barely surviving the death of the woman he was going to marry, Irish
actor Lash Brogan has accepted his first leading role in two
someone doesn’t want the movie to be made. The set is plagued by
accidents and deaths. The arrival of an FBI agent with a past
connection to Lash, and the appearance of an intriguing woman he
would like to get to know better, further tilts his world.
refuses to run from the danger or the painful reminders of his past.
He will stay and see the movie through to the end. No matter what the
cost to him.
continues the story of Lash Brogan and his friends. Join them in a
world where fate’s not fair, but justice and true love are certain.

man was dressed in all black from head to toe, including the Steyr he
held in his right hand, aimed at the man across the room from him. “I
told you I would come back for you, and I always keep my promises.” The
other man did not show fear. It had been three years. He’d
thought he was safe, and now he had no where to run. He was caught.
“I’ll pay you,” he said with a smirk, though he knew the words
would make no difference to the man with the gun. The
man in black laughed, but the gun didn’t waver. “You should know
better than that, this isn’t about money.” The
other man shrugged. “Can’t blame me for trying. You’ve done
well for yourself, I hear.” “You
could have too, if you hadn’t betrayed me.” It
was pointless to argue. He’d known this day would come, so he
looked his assassin in the eye as the trigger was pulled. A look of
pain flashed in his eyes, then he clutched his chest, blood spurting
through his fingers, as he pitched face first onto the ground. “And
cut!” A voice yelled from across the room. “That
was perfect,” Guy Sorenson said. “The blood looked great and
Eric, that was one of the best death scenes I’ve ever seen.” Eric
Sutton didn’t move. “Eric,
come on, you were brilliant,” Guy said, giving the actor a playful
kick in the side. He bent down when he didn’t get a reaction.
“Eric,” he said, shaking the actor’s shoulder, then rolling him
over when he still didn’t get a response. Guy’s face paled. He
looked up. “Christ, I think he’s really dead.” The
stunt coordinator raced forward, knelt, and checked for a pulse. The
set medic ran towards them, dropping to his knees next to the actor’s
body, starting CPR. The actors and crew still on set were frozen in
disbelief, the entire room eerily silent except for the exertions of
the two men trying to save a life. The
stunt coordinator sat back on his heels, his hands covered in blood,
and shook his head. “He’s gone.” Corey
Fulcher, the man in black, turned white and the gun fell from his
hand. The sound of the gun hitting the floor echoed through the now
silent set. “No, that’s impossible. We did it just like in
rehearsal.” His voice had lost the strong arrogance of the
character he’d been portraying and sounded weak and pathetic even
to him. One
of the security guards came forward and led Corey back a step,
kicking the gun aside. “I’m
going to be sick,” Corey muttered. He stumbled forward, found a
trashcan. When he was finished, Guy handed him a towel. “Nobody
moves until the cops get here,” the guard shouted, trying to sound
authoritative, but betrayed by his shaking voice. Corey
swallowed hard and sat down shakily in a chair. “I didn’t kill
him, I didn’t, didn’t mean to, the gun wasn’t . . . it wasn’t
even real. Guy,” he pleaded, “I don’t understand.” Guy
placed a hand on his shoulder. “Just relax, everything’s going to
be okay.” Of course that was a lie neither believed. Twenty
minutes later, producer Robert Colt watched as the cops interviewed
his leading man, who was pale, shaking, and sobbing openly now. It
took three more hours for the cops to interview all the prop guys and
report back to him. He imagined them lined up in a row, being called
one by one. It
seemed like they had done everything right. There would be no easy
answer to this one. Especially for the press camped outside. How
could he spin this to his advantage? There had to be a way. He fought
a growing sense of dread. And he knew that it would take a miracle to
save his film now, but he would find one. One
way or the other.
Originally from Kansas,Sara Vinduska is a romantic suspense author and aspiring farmer in North Idaho. Her other passions include yoga, soap making, good red wine, and K-State football.
the tour HERE
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