The Vampire's Curse by J.G. Gatewood Book Tour and Giveaway :)

The Vampire's Curse: Life Eternal
by J.G. Gatewood
Genre: Adult Urban Fantasy 

There's no other way to say it; cancer is a bitch. When I was fifteen, Doctor's diagnosed me with a rare brain tumor and gave me five years to live. With my death imminent, I made a deal with the Devil. Well, not the real Devil, but one of his minions for sure. Out of options, I accepted an offer for eternal life. I agreed to become a vampire. And all I had to offer in exchange was one year of service to a Duke named Aldric. What is one year in the grand scheme of things? Especially, when I'd live forever.
Now, two years later, I have a different view of vampires. I live in the shadows and have no contact with any of my friends or family. I hate what I've become and If I could go back and do it all over again, I would. To make matters worse, Aldric is summoning me for my one year of service. When I refuse, they hunt me like an animal. I'm run over by a car and witness my mother's death at the hands of Aldric's minions. No one stands up to-let alone refuses-Aldric, but enough is enough. I can't live like this. I'm always watching over my shoulder, and fear each new person I meet is on a mission to kill me. This is not a second lease on life; its torture and the only way it will end is if I kill Aldric. It's time for him to die.

When I look into her face, I think I know her. Her skin is fair, almost pale, with several piercings in her nose and ears. Tattoos cover her hands and arms, and I see a few more hidden on her neck beneath her brunette hair. She is pretty. “Really, I’ll be fine. Two buffoons in the club are angry with me. The sooner I disappear, the better off I’ll be.” Her eyes search the front of the building. “Sure, I guess,” she says in a trembling voice. “I can drop you at the hospital. It’s just down the road. But be careful. I don’t want your blood on my seats.” “Yeah, that’d be great,” I lie. “Help me to my feet.” Carefully, she throws my arm around her shoulder and helps me stand. She is much stronger than her thin physique would lead one to believe. There is still something about her I recognize, and it drives me crazy. “Thanks,” I say to her with a smile. Her green eyes reflect the pale moonlight. She stares at my face and looks at me for the first time since coming to my side. Her eyes squint and she looks me up and down. Her skin turns bright white like she’s gazing upon a ghost. “Chris? But… you’re dead. I… I don’t understand.” She almost drops me. When the words leave her mouth, I recognize her, too. The tattoos and piercings did a nice job of camouflaging her features. I went to high school with her. Damn, what was her name? “Michelle?” We weren’t friends but had several classes together in our freshman and sophomore years. Thinking quickly—which is difficult given my now severely broken body—I release some of my pheromones. I don’t want to turn her on or make her want me, but just a small release will calm her nerves and make her see reason. She nods her head. “This is crazy. You’re dead, and I don’t believe in ghosts. Tell me what is going on, or I’ll leave you here for the two … what did you call them? Fucktards.” “Look, I’ll tell you all about my fantastic and mystical journey, but we need to get in the damn car,” I say. What are the odds? I’m in the slummy part of downtown. How can I run into another suburbanite? Annoying millennials are taking over the whole city. 

J.G. Gatewood is the author of the Keepers of the Orbs Fantasy Series and other writing projects. The first three books in the series (The Unknown Man, The Rising Past, A Shadow Within) are available on Amazon, as are his YA Fantasy novel, The Final Offering, and his Sci-Fi short story, Redemption.
When J.G. Gatewood is not writing, he is a full-time Subject Matter Expert and an avid reader.
He lives in Parker, Colorado with his wife of 16 years, and two sons. In what little free time he has remaining, he is usually busy brewing his own beer, crafting his own wine or enjoying a fine cigar.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
I primarily write Fantasy and Sci-FI. Within these stories, I’ve always kept the language clean. I know I started reading fantasy books when I was 12, so that is always in the back of my mind. I want to reach any audience be it a twelve-year-old kid, or a seventy-year-old grandmother. With The Vampire’s Curse, I scrapped all of that. From the start, I wanted a dirty vampire story with foul language and adult situations. This was very freeing. I’m a very reserved individual. I keep my opinions to myself and rarely will I speak my mind (unless you are attacking my wife, my kids, or my family that is). Needless to say, much circulates in my brain on any given day, in almost any situation and I keep that content to myself. This book gave me the opportunity to remove that filter. It was so refreshing to respond to my fictional situations in such a sarcastic manner. I loved every moment of it and I plan on writing more books not only in this series but also in this style. It was also the first time I shifted to a first-person POV. I think this is what allowed me to communicate in this manner. You’re intimately associated with all of Chris’ inner thoughts and I think it’s what makes the book work.

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